Continuing the Adventurer Turn Example, after both adventurers have taken their turns, only 1 enemy remains. If there were more level 1 enemies, the players would decide the order of those enemies’ turns. Instead, the Argonian Bandit takes its turn.

1. There are no start of turn affects to resolve, so the Argonian Bandit goes straight to its Move step. Although its range is 3, neither adventurer is in range, so the Bandit must move.

a. The Argonian Bandit first determines a destination hex to move toward. The destination hex must be the closest hex where at least 1 targetable unit would be in range. If that is not yet possible, the enemy will move as far as it is able toward the closest opposing unit.

b. Enemies can move up to 2 hexes. There are 2 possible destination hexes that put an opposing unit within the Argonian Bandit’s range: the hexes north and northeast of the Bandit’s current hex.

c. Since both destination hexes are an equal distance from the Bandit, the Bandit must move toward its priority unit, which is the strongest opposing unit (the one with the most HP). However, both adventurers currently have 4 HP, so the players decide that the Bandit moves toward Shannon (the Argonian adventurer chip). Both destination hexes are of equal distance from Shannon, so the players decide that the Bandit moves 1 hex north. The Bandit stops there because at least 1 targetable unit is now in range.

2. The Argonian Bandit resolves its Engage step.

a. The Argonian Bandit determines its target. It has 2 target icons and its priority is the strongest opposing unit. However, both adventurers are in its range of 3, so the Bandit targets both.

b. Ryan gathers and rolls the Bandit’s 1 enemy Combat die, for a result which is resolved against both adventurers. Then, the players resolve the roll against their adventurers in order of the Bandit’s priority, starting with the strongest adventurer. Since the adventurers are currently tied for priority, the players decide that Shannon will resolve the roll against her adventurer first.

Enemy Combat die result

c. Shannon exhausts 1 of her Shield Discipline dice from her active slots to prevent 1 damage. Shannon takes the remaining 1 damage and loses 1 HP, reducing her HP to 3. Shannon places the exhausted Shield Discipline die in her cooldown track. Additionally, she adds 1 light fatigue die to her cooldown track because the Bandit’s Enfeeble 1 skill is resolved after the engage.

d. Ryan exhausts both of his Combat dice from his active slots to prevent 2 damage, so he loses no HP. Ryan places both of the exhausted Combat dice in his cooldown track. Then, he also adds 1 light fatigue die to his cooldown track from the Bandit’s Enfeeble 1 skill.

3. The Argonian Bandit has engaged and the adventurers do not have any abilities or skills to trigger in reaction, so its turn ends. The adventurers and enemies have taken their turns. This is the time to trigger any end of round effects, but there are none to trigger. The encounter is not complete, so the first round ends and the second round begins.
