Difficulty level is an important choice that affects several aspects of the game. These parts of the game are briefly described below but are fully explained later in the rules.

• Adventurers Rest: This occurs during each game day’s End of Day Phase. Your difficulty level determines the number of dice you remove from your cooldown track and the HP you heal at that time.

• Engage Actions: You can take engage actions during battle to roll dice. Adventurers must gain a fatigue die for each additional engage action they take on their turn after the first. Fatigue slows down your recovery of skill dice from your cooldown track.

• Session Final Battle: Each session culminates in a final battle encounter. You will face a lower or higher enemy pool in this battle based on the difficulty you choose. The enemy pool (EP) determines how many enemies you face and their levels.

There are 3 difficulty levels:

• Apprentice: This is the easiest difficulty. Adventurers remove 2 dice from their cooldown track and heal for 2 HP during the Adventurers Rest step at the end of each day. Quest steps also occasionally contain modified rules for Apprentice difficulty level.

• Adept: This is average difficulty. Adventurers remove 1 die from their cooldown track and heal for 1 HP during the Adventurers Rest step at the end of each day.

• Expert: This is the hardest difficulty. Adventurers gain 2 fatigue for each additional engage action taken in battle. To resolve their individual Adventurers Rest step, an adventurer must discard an item. Adventurers remove 1 die from their cooldown track and heal for 1 HP during the Adventurers Rest step at the end of each day.