Cerebria: The Inside World

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I perform both Fortify and Exalt with one Action?
Related Rule(s)
Can I perform both Exalt and Raze with one Action?
Related Rule(s)
Can I perform both Fortify and Raze with one Action?
Related Rule(s)
What does this icon mean?
See the linked sections of the icon glossary for clarification.
Where can I find what the Emotion Powers are all about?
See the following rule(s) to find an answer to this question.
Related Rule(s)
Is there a list of Spirit-Specific starter decks?
What's the difference between Side A and Side B of the Team boards?
See the following rule(s) to find an answer to this question.
Related Rule(s)
Is there an example of the Aspirations Cards in play?
See the following rule(s) to find an answer to this question.
What are the different Aspirations in the game?
See the following rule(s) to find an answer to this question.
Related Rule(s)
What happens if I run out of Willpower counters?
Willpower counters are not intended to be limited. In the unlikely event that the supply runs out of counters, us a suitable substitute.
When are the Hidden Aspirations revealed?
This happens as the first step of when a Revelation is triggered immediately once a Sphere is emptied as a result of a Spirit’s Absorb Ability.
How can I score points throughout the game?
See the linked sections for details on scoring points during the game.
Is there an example of the Absorb Ability in use?
See the end of the Absorb Abilities section.
Related Rule(s)
What is the purpose of the Absorb Ability?
The Absorb Ability has two very important benefits: • It is a great source of Willpower and other resources. • It can trigger a Revelation that allows you to add Fragments to the Identity. Well‑timed Absorbs ending in a beneficial Revelation can be very satisfying and are the key to mastering Cerebria.
Related Rule(s)
How do I use an Absorb Ability?
See the following rule(s) to find an answer to this question.
Related Rule(s)
How can I earn an Ambition token?
The most common way to gain Ambition is at the end of your turn when you may flip over one face‑down Ambition token instead of drawing 2 Emotion cards. There may be other ways to gain Ambition during your turn, but such opportunities are rare.
Related Rule(s)
What can I use an Ambition token for?
Ambition can be spent on: 1. Certain powerful Spirit Actions and upgrades (such as Quell), as described in the previous chapter. 2. Ambition Abilities.
Related Rule(s)
How do I use an Ambition Ability?
See the following rule(s) to find an answer to this question.
Related Rule(s)
Can I use the same Ability twice in one turn?
You can use multiple Abilities on your turn, but you cannot use the same Ability twice in one turn.
Does using an Ability count as using an Action?
What are the five Realms and what can their Realm Actions do?
See the following rule(s) to find an answer to this question.
How do I use a Realm Action?
See the following rule(s) to find an answer to this question.
What are the differences between Realm Actions and Spirit Actions?
• Spirit Actions must be unlocked. Realm Actions are always available. • Spirit Actions are upgradable. Realm Actions are not. • Controlling a Realm gives your team a discount on that Realm’s Action. • Realm Actions require only Willpower. Some Spirit Actions and upgrades also require Ambition.
How do I empower an Emotion?
See the following rule(s) to find an answer to this question.
Related Rule(s)
What are the benefits of Fortresses?
Cerebria is a fast‑paced tactical game with constantly changing board states. Fortresses, however, add a more strategic layer to the gameplay. They have many benefits, but most of their power will only show over time. Fortresses provide the following advantages: • They contribute +1 (or +2) Intensity towards the control of the Realm they’re on, making it harder to lose it to the other team. • They contribute to the Aspiration of Fortitude. • Most importantly, they can be added to the Identity during Revelations (under certain conditions as explained later). This gives you a way to add additional Fragments to the Identity, which is a major goal of the game.
Related Rule(s)
How can I fortify a Realm?
See the following rule(s) to find an answer to this question.
Related Rule(s)
How do I Quell an Emotion?
See the following rule(s) to find an answer to this question.
Related Rule(s)
How can I add Emotion cards to the Main board?
Invoking Emotions is the primary way to get more Emotion cards on the Main board. See the linked Invoke Spirit section for details.
Related Rule(s)
How do I move my Spirit?
See the following rule(s) to find an answer to this question.
Related Rule(s)
Are there other ways to add Vibe Tokens?
Players may have access to abilities and powers that allow them to unlock or upgrade Spirit Actions at other times. The following rules always apply: • You cannot upgrade a Spirit Action that has not yet been unlocked. • The Vibe token you add must be a different color from those already in the row. • You add one of your team’s normal Vibe tokens, not a wild Vibe token.
Can I use more than one unlocked Spirit Action upgrades?
The use of upgrades is always optional. When performing a Spirit Action, you may use any number of your available upgrades on the Action. Each upgrade can be used at most once.
Are the unlocked Spirit Action upgrades optional?
What do I do when I want to place a Vibe Token?
See the following rule(s) to find an answer to this question.
Can I place two Vibe tokens of the same color in the same Spirit Action row?
How are points scored at the end of the game?
For points scored during the game, see the linked sections. For end of the game points: • 3 points for each Minor Fragment. • 5 points for each Major Fragment. • 4 points for the team (if any) that has the Capping Fragment. In case of a tie, the team with the Capping Fragment wins. If neither team has the Capping Fragment, the game ends in a tie, with Cerebria in complete balance.
Is it possible for one player to have more turns than another?
Related Rule(s)
What triggers the end of the game?
See the following rule(s) to find an answer to this question.
Related Rule(s)
What should I try to do on my turn?
On a typical turn, you will want to affect the Emotions in some way. To affect the Emotion slot on a Frontier, you need to be on the Spirit space on that Frontier. To affect either Emotion slot in a Realm, you need to be in that Realm. So you might need to spend some Actions moving your Spirit Figure. Most Actions require Willpower, so you will probably want to get some using your Absorb Ability. And there are Actions you can take to gain Willpower or Essence from the general supply.
Related Rule(s)
What do I do at the end of my turn?
• Flip 1 used Ambition token to the “available” side OR draw 2 Emotion cards. • If you have 0 Willpower, gain 1. • If necessary, flip your Action Tracker token to show that Absorb is available again. Delight has taken 2 Actions. She has 1 left, and her Absorb Ability is still available.
Related Rule(s)
Can I use an Absorb Ability more than once per turn?
Related Rule(s)
Can I use an Ambition Ability more than once in a turn?
Related Rule(s)
Can I take the same Action more than once?
Related Rule(s)
What can I do on my turn?
See the following rule(s) to find an answer to this question.
Related Rule(s)
Is there a checklist for what I should start with at the beginning of the game?
Each player starts with: • 2 Emotion cards in hand • 2 Essence on their Spirit board • 4 Willpower on their Spirit board (6 Willpower for the starting player) • 4 wild Vibe tokens on their Spirit Actions
Related Rule(s)
How do I set up my initial Spirit Actions?
See the following rule(s) to find an answer to this question.
Related Rule(s)
What are the benefits of controlling a Realm?
• It may be a condition for an Aspiration. • Using the Realm Action associated with that Realm costs you 1 less Willpower.
Related Rule(s)
How do you know who controls a given Realm?
See the following rule(s) to find an answer to this question.
Related Rule(s)
What are the benefits of controlling a Frontier?
• It may be a condition for an Aspiration. • Your Absorb Ability gains you 1 extra Willpower if your Spirit Figure is on or adjacent to that Frontier. This is explained fully in the Absorb Ability section.
Related Rule(s)
How do you know who controls a given Frontier?
See the following rule(s) to find an answer to this question.
Related Rule(s)
Where do we place Spirits and Starting Emotions?
See the following rule(s) to find an answer to this question.
How do we establish turn order?
See the following rule(s) to find an answer to this question.
Related Rule(s)
Can I look at our Hidden Aspiration card any time?
Related Rule(s)
Can our Hidden Aspiration match the current Common Aspiration?
Each team also has their own Hidden Aspiration, on top of their own deck. After laying out the Common Aspirations, shuffle your team’s deck of Hidden Aspirations and set it face down on your Team board. Peek at the top card. Your Hidden Aspiration must never match the current Common Aspiration. If it matches, shuffle your deck and try again. (If it doesn’t match, then you leave it on top.)
Related Rule(s)
How many Emotion cards do I start with in my hand?
Shuffle your Emotion deck at the start of the game. Place it on the space near you on the corner of the Main board. Draw 2 cards for your starting hand, then turn the top card of the Emotion deck face up. NOTE: The top card of your Emotion deck should always be face up.
Related Rule(s)
How can I construct my own Emotion deck?
DECKBUILDING RULES: If you construct your own deck, follow these rules: • Use exactly 16 Mild Emotion cards. • Use no more than 2 copies of each card. For preconstructed deck lists for each Spirit, refer to the Appendix.
Related Rule(s)
What is the recommended Gloom starter deck?
GLOOM STARTER DECK (one per teammate): 2x Anger, 2x Jealousy, 2x Pessimism, 2x Bitterness, 2x Dislike, 2x Mistrust, 2x Embarrassment, 2x Loneliness. When building your Emotion decks, one player on each team should play with cards marked with a symbol in the upper right corner. This helps identify the deck the Emotion belongs to, which is relevant when the Emotion is discarded, and makes the setup and tear‑down easier.
Related Rule(s)
What is the recommended Bliss starter deck?
BLISS STARTER DECK (one per teammate): 2x Courage, 2x Sociability, 2x Cheerfulness, 2x Excitement, 2x Kindness, 2x Desire, 2x Optimism, 2x Self-Esteem. When building your Emotion decks, one player on each team should play with cards marked with a symbol in the upper right corner. This helps identify the deck the Emotion belongs to, which is relevant when the Emotion is discarded, and makes the setup and tear‑down easier.
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