Cerebria: The Inside World

Love - Asymmetric Spirit Board



Surmount: Costs 0 WP instead of 1.

Embrace (+1 WP): If you end this Move Action adjacent to a Bliss Emotion, you may place 1 Essence on it. Replaces Determination.


Forging Bonds (+1 WP): If you invoked this Emotion adjacent to another Bliss Emotion, you may take the required Essence from the general supply instead of using your own. Replaces Inner Force.

Adjacency: Each Emotion slot is adjacent to 2 other slots. In particular, 2 slots in the same Realm are adjacent to each other.


Home Ground (+1 WP): If you quell on a Realm slot with an adjacent Bliss Fortress, gain 1 Ambition. Replaces Extinguish.


Pierce the Darkness (no additional cost): You may fortify on Realms your opponents control. (But only if the Fortress location is empty). Replaces Exalt.

Raze: Costs +3 WP instead of +1 Ambition and +1 WP.

Garrison (+1 Ambition): After you build a Fortress (on an empty location), you may take a bonus Action to invoke an Emotion on an empty slot in the new Fortress’s Realm. The bonus Action follows all the rules of Invoke (you can unlock or upgrade the Action, you pay Willpower for it, you can use upgrades), except that the Emotion is invoked inside the Realm even if your Spirit is on a Frontier. Replaces Determination.


Brighten Up (no additional cost): After this Empower Action, you may use a Vibe token matching the discarded Mild Emotion’s Vibe to unlock or upgrade one of your Spirit Actions. Replaces Channeled Power.