Pathfinder Adventure Card Game

Rules: Dealing with Cards


Unless a card says otherwise, drawing means taking a card from the specified place and adding it to your hand. If no place is specified, draw it from your deck. When you draw a card from a facedown stack, such as a character's deck, a location, the hourglass, or any other stack the game tells you to create, draw from the top of the stack. When you draw a card from a faceup pile, such as your discards, the hourglass discards, or any other pile the game tells you to create, draw a card of your choice. When you draw a card from the vault, unless you are told to draw a specific card, draw a random card of the appropriate type by shuffling the cards you're drawing from and drawing the top card. If you are told to draw a card of a particular type with some additional requirement (such as "a level 1 monster" or "an Arcane spell”), draw cards of that type until you find a card that fulfills the requirement; put the rest back.

This applies to actions other than drawing – for example, if you're told to bury a card from your deck, bury the top card; if you're told to bury a card from your discards, you choose the card.

When you are told to discard a card from a deck, put it on top of that deck's discards.