As soon as an Assassin/Ally who is incognito moves to a square containing 1+ Enemies, before anything else they simultaneously perform 1 Detection Test. Each involved player then rolls as many dice as there are Enemies on the square of their Assassin/Ally:

- No icons: The Assassin stays incognito.

- 1+ : The Assassin becomes exposed and the Alert State immediately becomes .

- 1+ : The Assassin becomes exposed only if the Alert State is already . If the Alert State is ,the Assassin remains incognito.

Example: Claudio moves to a square containing 2 Enemies. 1 Detection Test is immediately performed by rolling 2 dice (1 per Enemy). It’s a success, Claudio stays incognito. He begins the next game turn with the 2 Enemies who remained on his square: Do not perform Detection Tests for these 2 Enemies (perform this Test only after an Assassin has moved towards 1+ Enemy or vice versa).

Likewise, 1+ Enemies who move to a square containing 1+ Assassins/Allies who is incognito perform 1 Detection Test at once (see text box in 28).