My Assassin is exposed on a tile where there are no Enemies, does he become incognito automatically?
You MUST move onto a tile without Enemies to become incognito again.
Related Rule(s)
Can I change the number of players during a Memory?
No, but you can do it between Memories.
Can I take equipment from the Villa envelope during a mission?
No, you can only do it between Memories.
Related Rule(s)
What benefits do I get from the 100% Sync?
Some 100% Syncs don't affect the game at all, but later on, there might be some Syncs, that give you bonuses through other assets in the game.
Related Rule(s)
Do I have to complete the 100% Syncs?
No: They're optionnal objectives.
Related Rule(s)
What does XP stand for?
XP allows your Assassins to level up and acquire new skills.
Does the maximum amount in square concern Assassins?
Only enemies.
What happens if the square is full, it has bodies and I need to place enemies in it?
Remove the Bodies
But remember to do the Detection Tests!
Do bodies count towards the maximum enemy amount in a square?
How many enemies can be in a square?
What happens if an enemy enters a square with a body?
A Detection Test
Related Rule(s)
How do I do the Enemy Detection Test?
Roll as many red dice as Enemies entering the square for EACH incognito Assassin/Ally and Body. If an incognito Assassin/Ally enters a square with Ennemies, roll as many red dice as Enemies on this square.
Related Rule(s)
Can an eliminated Assassin participate in the next Memory?
No, Eliminated Assassins will be replaced by Assassin Apprentices.
Does the armor absorb damage?
It adds health to the Assassin wearing it, it doesn't protect from hits.
Related Rule(s)
What does the white X (cross) mean in an equipment card?
If you decide to get rid of it, this item is PERMANENTLY discarded.
Related Rule(s)
Does Dariâ's special ability make possible to play 5 Actions during a turn?
If your Assassin saved 1 action cube on a previous turn and Dariâ gives you back 1 action cube, you will play with 5 actions.
Related Rule(s)
How do we do a coordinated attack?
Several Assassins can use one of their action cubes at the same time to perform a coordinated attack on the same targeted square.
Related Rule(s)
Can I complete an objective if I'm exposed?
Yes, but only if there are no enemies in the square.
Can I move diagonally?
Related Rule(s)
How many trades can I do with one action?
As many as you want
Related Rule(s)
What are Nearby squares?
The square where your Assassin is located and those in orthogonal contact not separated by a wall.
Related Rule(s)
Can I place any type of a tile when I'm building the map
As long as the type (street, indoor, roof etc.) and the wall placement matches. The graphic on the tile does not need to match!
Related Rule(s)
What happens if all Enemy miniatures of a certain type have been placed and we need to place more?
You lose the Memory
Related Rule(s)
When is a Memory considered a success?
All Memory Objectives have been completed AND at least 1 Assassin has left the Map using a fast Travel Station AND no Assassin is left on the Map.
Related Rule(s)
How do I complete an Objective?
Action Cubes.
Assassins occupying a Square with an Objective Counter can complete the Objective by spending the number of Action Cubes indicated on the Counter. Exposed Assassins must eliminate all Guards on the Square before completing the Objective. Incognito Assassins can complete the Objective without eliminating the Guards on the Square.
Do I need to complete all Objectives to complete a Memory?
Yes most of the time
Not necessarily, sometimes you can choose between several.
How many Action Cubes do I get at the start of a Turn?
Each Assassin receives 3 Action Cubes at the start of each Turn. Any Action Cube not used during the Assassins Phase is lost and removed from your Assassin Board at the end of the phase.
Do I have a limited number of Equipment Cards on my Assassin board?
You can have as many Equipment cards on the Assassin as there are slots in your Player Board. However, you can store an unlimited number in the Villa Envelope between Memories.
Do I need to remove Life Cubes when I remove Armor?
When you remove Armor, remove from your health as many Life Cubes as shown on the Armor Card.
Do I need to make a Detection Test after performing a Leap of Faith?
If 1+ Enemies are present on the square where the Hiding Spot is located, perform a Detection Test before entering the Hiding Spot. If this Test fails, place your miniature with a red base on the square (outside the Hiding Spot).
Does a Leap of Faith cost any Action Cubes?
At any time, an Assassin may leave a tower by performing a Leap of Faith (free action). Place the miniature on the Square containing the hay stack.
Does it cost any Action Cubes to leave a Hiding Spot?
An Assassin in a Hiding Spot can only use their Hidden Blade to attack, is never subject to a Detection Test, and may leave the Hiding Spot for free. An Assassin leaving a Hiding Spot must make a Detection Test if any Guard is occupying the Square.
How do I successfully complete a Memory?
A Memory is successful if you complete all Objectives of the Memory and if there is at least one Assassin escapes through the Fast Travel Station.
Related Rule(s)
Where do I move a Guard if there is a question mark on the Event Card?
Random card.
If the Event Card direction shows a question mark, chose a direction from a random Event Card, drawn from about halfway in the Event Card pile. Then replace the Event Card and pile.
Do I remove a Guard's miniature once it's Eliminated?
Lay down the miniature(s) of all Eliminated Guards as bodies.
How many Action Cubes do I start with?
After you've chosen your Assassin, place 3 Action Cubes on the Action Gauge of the Assassin Board.
How many Health Cubes do I start with?
After you've chosen your Assassin, place 3 Health Cubes on the Assassin Board.
Can 2 players play 4 Assassins?
If you want to play all 4 Assassins, 1 or 2 players may control more than 1 Assassin.
Can I play solo?
In solo play, you must select at least 2 Assassins.
Who draws the Event Card?
Players choose.
Players choose who draws the Event Card, but its effects apply to all players.
Can Assassins become incognito while Alert is on?
Alert remains on, even if all Assassins become incognito or if there are no more Assassins in play.
Can exposed Assassins become incognito if they move onto a Square with Guards?
Assassins cannot become incognito if they move onto a Square occupied by any Guards.
Can Guards move to a Square with 4 Guards on it already?
The limit of Enemy Miniatures in a square is 4 - Bodies are included in the amount! If any need to be added, remove the Bodies to make space or just don't place any if there's no space.
What if the compass on an Event Card indicates a question mark?
Look at random card.
When moving Guards, if the direction on an Event Card indicates a question mark, choose a direction from a random Event Card, drawn from approximately halfway through the Event Card pile. Then replace the card and the Event Card pile.
Do I lose anything when I use a Fast Travel Station?
Assassins keep everything (including action cubes and health cubes) when they use a Fast Travel Station.
What if my Weapon card has an Alert symbol?
Turn on Alert.
If you use a Weapon card with an Alert symbol, flip the Alert Counter to its Alert side.
What if my Weapon card has an Eye symbol?
You're exposed.
If you use a Weapon card with an Eye symbol, your Assassin becomes exposed. Clip the red base to the Assassin's miniature.
Can Assassins Hit other Assassins?
An Assassin's attack can never hit another Assassin.
If I roll an Assassin symbol on a white die, do I also score a Hit?
Any Assassin symbol rolled counts as 1 Hit and activates the special Ability for the Weapon.
Can you activate a Weapon's Special Ability more than once?
You may only activate a Weapon's Ability once per attack. Ignore any additional rolled Assassin symbol.
What are weapon ranges?
Weapons have 2 ranges: Melee and Ranged. The corresponding symbols are printed on the Equipment Card. Melee Range attacks on the Square you occupy. Ranged attacks on the square you occupy or on an any Nearby Square.
Can you attack through an intervening wall?
With Weapons that have a Crossbow Range, you may attack Guards on the Square you occupy or on any adjacent Square, but you cannot attack diagonally and cannot attack through intervening walls.
Can you attack diagonally?
With Weapons that have a Crossbow Range, you may attack Guards on the Square you occupy or on any Nearby Square, but you cannot attack diagonally and cannot attack through intervening walls.
How many Action Cubes does it cost to use a Weapon Card?
You may spend 1 Action Cube to use 1 Equipment Card in your possession.
Can an Exposed Assassin Complete an Objective?
Exposed Assassins must eliminate all Guards on the Square they occupy before Completing an Objective.
When my Assassin goes from Exposed to Incognito, where do I place the red base?
On landing Square.
When you move onto a Square occupied by no Guards, and become Incognito, remove the red base from your Assassin miniature and leave it on the Square you landed on.
Are Assassins Exposed even when no Guards are left in the Level?
Assassins with a red base are always Exposed, even if there are no Guards remaining in the Level.
How many Equipment Cards can I swap?
Any number.
Any Assassin occupying the same Square as the acting Assassin (the player whose turn it is) during a Swap may take or give as many Equipment Cards as they wish.
Can two minatures occupy the same Square?
Yes with limits
There's no limit to Assassin / Ally miniatures in a square, however, with enemy miniatures the limit is 4 - bodies are included in the amount! If any need to be added, remove the bodies to make space or just don't place any if there's no space.
How many Squares can I move for one Action Cube?
For each Action Cube spent, an Assassin may move to one adjacent Square without a wall on its connecting side. Diagonal movement is not allowed.
When do Event Card effects apply?
The effects of an Event Card apply immediately, unless the card states otherwise.
Can players spend Action Cubes in any order?
Each turn, Assassins can spend Action Cubes in any order (even alternating actions between players).
Can Assassins take the same action multiple times?
An Assassin can use the same action several times in a Turn. (For example, an Assassin can attack twice.)
What happens to Action Cubes I didn't spend during the Assassins Phase?
They're lost.
Any Action Cube not used during the Assassins Phase is lost and removed from the Assassin Board at the end of the Turn.
What happens to Action Cubes after I spend them?
Remove them.
Each Action Cube spent for an action is removed from your Assassin Board.
Who draws the Event Card?
You decide.
Players decide who will draw the Event Card, but the effects apply to all players.
Can you attack or move diagonally?
You can never mover or attack diagonally. The only exception is with the Parachute equipment, where you can travel to ANY other roof on the map, whether it's in a diagonal direction or not.
When should I clip a red base to an Assassin?
When Exposed.
When an Assassin becomes Exposed, immediately clip a red base to the bottom of its miniature.
Can you use two of the same Equipment Cards at once?
You cannot use two Equipment Cards of the same type at the same time. Place the one you want to use on top of the pile (you can swap them freely).
Are Apprentices also Assassins?
Assassin refers to any Assassin or Apprentice.
Related Rule(s)
Can I move through walls?
Walls block Assassin and Guard movement and attacks.
Can I attack through walls?
Walls block Assassin and Guard movement and attacks.
Are Towers considered Roofs?
Towers are not considered Squares or Roofs. So you can't - for example - travel with a parachute to a tower. However, you can travel FROM tower to a roof with the parachute.
Can Guards move from Ground Square to Roof Square?
Only some Elite Guards such as the Agiles can move from a Ground Square to a Roof Square, or vice versa, with no ladder between the two Squares
What happens when the Event card deck runs out?
Shuffle a new one
Shuffle the Event discard pile and create a new Event deck.
Related Rule(s)