You win if you reach the end of a round after burning down the City of Cannibals.
• Instead of drawing random Starting Equipment, you always start with Rum and Pipe & Tobacco.
• Place Island tile 4 face-down on the map as shown. This will be revealed as the City of Cannibals during round 4 of the game and remains hidden until then.
The scenario lasts 9 rounds. The Weather dice are not used in this scenario.
Book: Each player takes 3 Wounds, reduced by the number of villages that have been burned down so far (minimum 0). Then, you must move your camp to an adjacent tile. If you can’t:
• Lose the Shelter and reset the Roof and Palisade levels to 0.
• Or if you have no Shelter, each player takes 2 Wounds instead.
Totem: Each time you reveal a Totem symbol, add a numbered token to that Island tile. Each numbered token represents a village. Additionally, the numbered token effects are:
1. The player who explored it takes 1 Wound.
2. & 3. The player who explored it takes 1 Wound. If possible, discard 1 wood or food.
4. The player who explored it takes 3 Wounds if you don’t have Medicine, or 1 Wound otherwise. If possible, discard 1 wood or food.
5.–6. No effect.
Any Action on a tile with a numbered token requires 1 more Action pawn than normal.
To burn down a village, resolve a special Hunt Action on the tile with a numbered token. This always costs 2 Action pawns and requires a path to the tile from the camp. The strength of the village (for resolving the combat part of the Hunt action) is 4 + the number of uncovered Totem icons on the board.
When you burn down a village, remove its numbered token and use a black marker to cover its Totem icon.
At the start of round 4, flip over tile 4 and place numbered token 6 there, to mark it as the City of Cannibals. Do not take any Discovery tokens for that tile.
From now on, the following rules apply to the City of Cannibals:
• The terrain type (hills) does not count as explored (unless you have explored it elsewhere).
• You can’t move your camp to this tile. If any game effect tells you to do this, ignore it and all players take 1 Wound instead.
• Any Action on the tile requires 1 more Action pawn than normal.
To burn down the City of Cannibals, resolve a special Hunt Action on this tile. This always costs 2 Action pawns and requires a path to the tile from the camp. The strength of the city (for resolving the combat part of the Hunt Action) is 21, reduced by 3 for every village that has been burned down.
Ballista: Increase the Weapon level by 1. If the Shelter has been built, increase the Palisade level by 2.
Canoe: From now on, when any player takes the Explore Action, draw two Island tiles from the top of the stack instead of one, and choose which one to use. Shuffle the other back into the stack.
Healing ointment: Heal 1 Wound.
Old machete: Increase Weapon level by 1.
Blowpipe: When you use it, temporarily increase Weapon level by 2.
Map of the island: Look at the top three Island tiles in the stack and replace them in any order.