You win by building the Jolly Boat, if you have already taken the Explore Action on a certain number of Island tiles with Totem icons. The number of tiles you must Explore in this way depends on the number of players:
• 2 players: 3 tiles
• 3–4 players: 4 tiles
Tile 10, where the camp starts, is not included. Ignore the Totem icon on this tile.
1. Set up the Island tiles as shown, using tiles 8 and 10. Flip the volcano tile (8) to its volcano side.
2. Place the camp token on tile 10, camp side up.
3. Place a time-consuming action token on the
Explore Action space.
4. You start the game with Shovel and Knife already built.
The scenario lasts 8 rounds. In the Weather Phase of rounds 4–8, roll the orange Weather die.
Throughout the game, all Explore Actions require 1 more pawn. The time-consuming action token on the Explore Action space reminds you of this.
You can’t enter or cross the volcano tile. That tile can’t gain markers or tokens, and no Actions can be resolved on it.
In each round from 4 onwards, some Island tiles are flipped over and become inaccessible. The diagram on the scenario sheet shows which tiles to flip over each round.
Remove all tokens and markers from a tile that gets flipped over. If your camp is on a tile that is flipped over, you lose.
You can’t move the camp onto an inaccessible tile. If any game effect tells you to do this, ignore it and all players take 1
Wound instead.
Ash markers ( white) count as
time-consuming action tokens. This is cumulative with the token on the Explore Action space and any other effects.
When building a Shelter or increasing the
Roof or
Palisade level, you may use
fur as if it were
wood. If you use only fur, the lower cost applies.
Rope ladder: Take a green Action pawn. It can be used in future only for the special Explore Actions on
totem icons.
Jolly Boat: You can only build this after taking the last special Explore Action required by the scenario.
The Totem icon on the starting tile (10) is ignored in this scenario.
Book: If possible, choose two Island tiles or spaces (not the volcano) that don’t already have ash markers (
white) and place an ash marker on each one. Any tiles or spaces can have an ash marker, even inaccessible ones. If you can’t do this, there is no penalty.
Totem: Island tiles with this icon (except the starting tile 10) can be explored using a special Explore Action in order to achieve the scenario goal.
1. The first Totem icon you explore, draw and resolve all parts of three Mystery cards.
2. The second Totem icon you explore, draw and resolve all parts of four Mystery cards.
3. The third Totem icon you explore, draw and resolve all parts of four Mystery cards. This action requires an additional Action pawn.
4. The fourth Totem icon you explore, draw and resolve all parts of five Mystery cards. This action requires an additional Action pawn.
5.–6. No effect.
You can only do this special Explore Action once per tile. Use the numbered tokens to mark each tile which you have already explored. Each time, you must draw and resolve all the cards, unless one of them tells you to stop drawing, in which case the Action counts as resolved.
Old map: Use this token when you next perform a special Explore Action on a Totem icon to draw 1 fewer Mystery cards.
Indy’s diary: Use this token when you draw a Trap card to ignore its effects. The card counts as resolved.
Torch: Use this token when you draw a Creature card to ignore its effects. The card counts as resolved.
Old canvas: Use this token during a Weather Phase to ignore one rain cloud result.