In addition to the regions of Middle-earth, the game board also contains various boxes and tracks used during the game to keep track of different activities. These areas include:

— The Fellowship Track, to keep track of the progress of the Fellowship and the Corruption of the Ring-bearers.

— The Hunt for the Ring Box (also called the “Hunt Box”), to display the dice that the Shadow player allocates to hunt the Fellowship and to keep track of the number of times that the Fellowship moves during a turn.

— The Political Track, to keep track of which Nations of Middle-earth are “at War.”

— The Guide of the Fellowship Box, to display the Character card of the Character who is guiding the Fellowship.

— The Fellowship of the Ring Box (also called the “Fellowship Box”), to display the figures and counters of the Companions composing the Fellowship.

— The Elven Rings Boxes, to display the Elven Rings counters.

— The Event Deck Boxes, to hold the four Event card decks.

— The Stronghold Boxes, to display those Army units involved in a siege battle.

— The Army Boxes, to hold figures when there is not enough space in a region.

— The Victory Point Track, to keep count of the conquests of each player.

— The Mordor Track, superimposed on the Gorgoroth region on the map, to keep track of the progress of the Fellowship when traveling in Mordor.