War of the Ring: Second Edition




This section provides a quick summary of the actions that each player can take using Action dice.


This die result can be used to execute one of the following actions:

Leader Moves/Attacks with Armies. Move an Army with a Leader to an adjacent region, which must be free for the purposes of Army movement; or attack an enemy Army in an adjacent region (or conduct a seige battle or sortie) using an Army with a Leader.

Play an Event card. Play a Character Event card from your hand.

Free Peoples only

Fellowship Progress. Move the Fellowship Progress counter one step forward on the Fellowship Track. Resolve the Hunt for the Ring, and then place the used Action die in the Hunt Box.

Hide the Fellowship. If the Fellowship was previously revealed, it becomes hidden again.

Separate Companions. Separate one Companion or one group of Companions from the Fellowship. The Companion figures are removed from the Fellowship Box and must move on the map, up to a distance from the Fellowship equal to the step number on the Fellowship Track plus the highest Companion Level.

Move Companions. Move all Companions or groups of Companions on the map, each up to a number of regions equal to that of the highest Companion Level in the group.

Shadow only

Move Minions. Move all Nazgûl (including the Witch–king) anywhere on the map (except into a region that contains a Stronghold controlled by the Free Peoples, unless a Shadow Army is besieging it). Move other Minions according to their Level.


This die result can be used to execute one of the following actions:

Move Armies. Move up to two different Armies from their region(s) to adjacent region(s), which must be free for the purposes of Army movement.

Attack an Enemy Army. Attack an enemy Army in an adjacent region with one of your Armies (or conduct a siege battle or sortie).

Play an Event card. Play an Army Event card from your hand.


This die result can be used to execute one of the following actions:

Diplomatic Action. Move the Political Track of one friendly Nation one step forward (for a Free Peoples Nation, the step “At War” can be reached only if the Nation is active).

Play an Event card. Play a Muster Event card from your hand.

Only for Nations “At War”

Recruit Reinforcements. Place reinforcements into play:

1 Elite unit in any friendly and free Settlement or

2 Leaders in any two different friendly and free Settlements or

2 Regular units in any two different friendly and free Settlements or

1 Leader and 1 Regular Army unit in any two different friendly and free Settlements.

Shadow only

Bring one Character into play according to the rules on his Character card.


This die result can be used to execute one of the following actions:

Draw an Event card. Draw one Event card from an Event deck of your choice.

Play an Event card. Play any one Event card from your hand, regardless of its type.


Choose any one action from those listed under Muster or Army.


These die results are different on the Shadow dice and on the Free Peoples dice:


All dice showing the Eye must be placed in the Hunt Box.


Before taking an action, the Free Peoples player may change a Will of the West result into any other Action die result, and use it to the same effect as the chosen result.

The Will of the West result can also be used to bring into play Gandalf the White or Aragorn – Heir to Isildur according to the rules on their Character cards.