

Event cards can be played during the Action Resolution phase in two ways:

1) by using an Event Action die result (the Palantir symbol), or

2) by using an Action die result whose icon matches the symbol on the upper right corner of the card.

Example: For the Free Peoples player to play the Strategy Card “Paths of the Woses” he must either use an Action dice that shows the Palantir symbol (the Event result), or an Action dice that shows the Banner symbol (the Army result).

Generally, Event cards are discarded as soon as their effects are resolved.

The effects of an Event card are explained in its text.

Often, some kind of requirement must be met for the effects of the card to apply; if a requirement is not fully satisfied, the card cannot be played.

Usually, a card allows a player to take an action that violates the standard rules; this is intentional, but any rule that is not expressly replaced by the card text still applies normally.

Some exceptions to the general rules use the following terminology:

— If a card reads “Play on the table,” it means that the card is not discarded after it is played, and its effects last until a particular condition or requirement is met after which the card is discarded. If discarding a card requires the use of an Action die, discarding the card counts as an action. Note that if the condition required to play such a card ceases to be met, the card is immediately discarded.

Example: “Denethor’s Folly” is discarded if Minas Tirith is no longer under siege.

— If a card text directs you to “recruit” units or Leaders, these units or Leaders are taken from your available reinforcements.

The actions indicated by an Event card are mandatory. However, it can happen that the effects of an Event card cannot be fully applied. In this case, the card can still be played, and its effects are applied to the maximum extent possible.

Example: The “Imrahil of Dol Amroth” card allows the Free Peoples player to recruit one Leader and one Elite (or Regular) unit in Dol Amroth. If no Leader is available in the Free Peoples reinforcements, only the Elite or Regular unit is recruited.

Event Cards Provoking Casualties

Several cards describe effects that may cause a player to remove some figures from play. If all the Army units in an Army are eliminated by the effect of such a card, all Free Peoples Leaders with the Army are immediately removed, while any Nazgûl, Companions, or Minions are left in the region, unless specified differently in the card text.