A Nation that is not “At War” is considered to be non-belligerent.
A non-belligerent Nation suffers various limits to the capabilities of its troops.
In detail, Army units and Leaders of a non-belligerent Nation must adhere to the following restrictions:
— They can move outside their National borders but can never move across the borders of other Nations (including friendly ones).
— They cannot attack enemy Armies (but can defend if attacked).
— They can never be recruited by using Muster Action die results.
All the restrictions listed above apply even if figures of a nonbelligerent Nation are stacked with figures of a Nation “At War.”
Exception: Non-belligerent figures are allowed to cross another Nation’s border when retreating from a battle. If they do so, the next time they move, they must move out of that Nation, unless they became “At War” in the meantime.
Example: Two North units in Dale retreat from a battle. Even if the North is not “At War,” the units may retreat to Erebor (which belongs to the Dwarf Nation). They could not do this as a normal move, but this move is possible as a retreat from combat.
When a Nation’s Political counter moves into the last step of the Political Track, that Nation is now “At War.”
A Nation “At War” is free from the constraints binding a non-belligerent Nation. Its Armies may freely move across all National borders and attack enemy Armies, and its troops can be recruited using Muster Action die results.
As noted before, a passive Free Peoples Nation can never enter the “At War” step, but must be activated first.