Armies are moved on the game board during the Action Resolution phase by using either an Army Action die result or a Character Action die result (if the moving Army contains a Leader or Character), or an Event card that allows the movement of Armies.

A player using an Army Action die result can move two different Armies, but can not move the same Army twice.

A player using a Character Action die result can move a single Army containing at least one Leader or Character.

An Army is moved by simply moving its units to an adjacent region.

Splitting an Army

It is not mandatory that you move all units in an Army. An Army can split itself into two different Armies by moving only a portion of its units to an adjacent region.

Free Peoples Leaders can never be in a region without combat units, so if a moving Army completely vacates a region, all such Leaders must follow the Army. If the Army splits, Leaders may choose to either move or stay behind. When a player uses a Character Action die result to move an Army and the Army splits, at least one Leader or Character must join the moving units.

Note that, unless used as the subject to move an Army with a Character Action die result, Characters (Companions and Minions) and Nazgûl are not obliged to move with an Army, as they can remain in a region on their own.

Movement Restrictions

— The moving units, as well as Leaders and Characters, can be chosen freely, as long as no figure is moved twice using the same action (this includes movement effectuated by Event cards, unless the card explicitly has different instructions). Thus, during the same action, it is never possible to move an Army into a region containing another friendly Army (joining the two Armies into one), and then move the new combined Army with the second movement allowance, as this would move the units in the first Army twice. For purposes of moving under one action, these Armies should be kept separate until both movements have been taken.

Note: An Army can move multiple times in a single turn, as long as it uses a different Action die for each movement.

— Any region entered by a moving Army must be either a free region or an enemy-controlled Settlement that is free of enemy Army units. These are known as “regions that are free for the purposes of Army movement.”

— If a region is occupied by enemy units, it cannot be entered but must be attacked.

— After moving an Army into a region, you can not exceed the stacking limit of 10 units.

— If a moving Army includes any units from a Nation which is not yet “At War” on the Political Track, it cannot enter a region that is inside the borders of another Nation (even if friendly).

— An Army can never move into a region that is completely separated from the region the Army is currently in by a black line (which denotes impassable terrain). The same restriction applies to Characters and to the Fellowship.


When using Event cards whose effects allow a player to move Armies, all regular movement restrictions must be respected. Some Event cards allow a player to move one or more Armies through more than one region, and the following additional rules apply:

— Each Army to be moved is defined at the beginning of its movement (it is possible to split the Army before moving). The Army cannot pick up or drop figures along the way.

— If an Army moves through an enemy-controlled Settlement, it captures that Settlement.

— If an Army moves through regions containing other friendly Armies, stacking limits are checked only after all the multiple movements have been completed.