Move 1 to 5 Units from a single Land Region, called an “army,” into another Land Region. An army can consist of any number or combination of Units, from a single Serf to multiple Serfs, Warriors, and Heroes. Regions have a limit of 5 Units per Faction after Marching, but not when an army is moving through a Region.
The number of Regions a Unit may move in a March is called its Speed () and is listed next to its picture on the C.C. Board. Armies can only move as many Regions as allowed by their lowest-Speed Unit.
For example, your army containing 2 Warriors with and a Paladin with
may only move 1 Region because of the Paladin’s low Speed.
Note: There are 2 March Action Slots, so this Action may be performed twice. It can even be performed twice during the same round by Mustering (see Mustering a Command Action), even by the same army.
Armies must stop a March when they enter a Region with an opponent’s Units, Vessels, Tower or Capital City. This ends the March Action, and it triggers a Battle between the two players (see Battling).
Each player's C.C. Region, and their Units in the Courtyard, are always considered to be adjacent to all Regions containing one of the player’s Towers.
Note: Towers are not adjacent to other Towers, but an Army with Speed 2 can move from a Tower to its Capital City, and then to another of its Towers.
If the army end its March in a Land Region that has a face-down Exploration Token, it is immediately revealed and then resolved (see the Quick Reference Sheet for explanations of outcomes). In a Swamp Region, 2 Exploration Tokens are revealed and resolved one at a time. Do not reveal the second token until the first is resolved. Armies may March through Regions with Exploration Tokens (do not reveal them).
An army cannot pass through a Desert Region in a single March Action, even if it has sufficient Speed to do so. It must end its March upon entering and may move out with a subsequent March Action.
Continents are connected by Ferry Routes, which link Land Regions together and separate Sea Regions. Two Regions connected by a Ferry Route are considered adjacent, and this is the only way for Land Units to travel across Seas without a Vessel.
Graticules are the letters or numbers marked on the outside of the map that have a matching number or letter at the far side of the board from each other. Each two Ferry Routes with matching Graticules connect to form a longer route that "wraps around" from one edge to the far edge of the map. (If a Ferry Route branches, a Land Unit that uses it can travel to any of the route's endpoints.)
In the example on the right, this army uses to March north using the “A” Ferry Route into the southern continent’s Forest Region on the opposite side of the map.