Select this Action to choose 1 of 2 options:
Draw 3 Spell Cards from the Spell Deck. Then choose which cards to keep in the player’s Spell Library (a hand of Spell Cards) and which to discard. Note that there is a Spell Library Hand Limit equal to the player's C.C. Level. When finished Researching, discard Spells (from those you drew and/or from those already in your Spell Library) until the number of Spells in your Spell Library is equal to your current Hand Limit.
For example, a player with a Lv.1 C.C. and 1 card in their Spell Library takes the Research Action. They draw 3 Spell Cards and compare them with the Spell Card they already have in their library. They choose to replace that card with one of the new Spell Cards and discard the remaining to the discard pile.
Take 1 Spell Card in your Spell Library and permanently place it face-up in a Scribed Spell Slot on the right side of the C.C. Board. Scribed Spells cannot be discarded at any time. Players may have only as many scribed Spells as the level of their Capital City. A Lv.2 C.C. allows a player to have 2 total Scribed Spells. Players may only Scribe Spell Cards labeled "CAST." They may never Scribe Spell Cards labeled "COMBAT" or "INTERRUPT." Each Scribed Spell is worth at the end of the game.
For example, when you take a Research/Scribe Action and have a Lv.1 C.C. and 1 Spell Card in your Spell Library, you can scribe a Spell Card, placing it into your Lv.1 Scribed Spell Slot.
The cards you choose are kept in your Spell Library or Scribed Spell Slots to be Cast in later actions (see Cast a Spell). Scribed Spell Cards are NOT discarded when they are Cast, nor can a player willingly discard one. When the Spell Deck runs out, shuffle the discard pile and form a new deck.