Using its Speed, an Air Vessel...
• May Fly through adjacent Land Regions, as if it were Marching (including adjacency between Towers and the Capital City).
• May not use Ferry Routes.
• May Fly through Sea Regions, but if it ends its Action Phase in a Sea Region, it crashes and is destroyed, along with all units on board it.
• May Fly into a Sea Region to Battle a Sea Vessel. This ends its normal movement based on its Speed, but if it survives it has one additional to reach a friendly or unoccupied Land Region. If it cannot do this, the Air Vessel is destroyed.
• May pass through unexplored Land Regions, and also may end its flight to explore Regions with Land Exploration Tokens. However, if there are no Units aboard the vessel and the token’s outcome requires the player to lose a “Unit,” the player must lose the Air Vessel.
• May not explore Sea Regions.
• MUST stop in a Region with enemy Units/Structures to Battle.
• May Fly through a Desert Region WITHOUT stopping.
Note: Air Vessels may not move using a March Action.
The Central Sea Region counts as 2 Regions when flying, so it requires an additional to fly an Air Vessel through it.