The army with the highest value wins, with ties going to the defender:
The winning army remains in the Region and loses no Units, except for Sacrificed Units (if any) to pay for their Tactic Card.
The losing army:
• takes “Damage” and must lose Units and/or Structures whose Natural Strength totals at least half of the the losing army's Natural Strength (rounded up). Natural Strength of the loser's army is calculated AFTER removing any Sacrificed Units. Damage is deducted from each Unit, Vessel, or Tower's own Natural Strength, and the losing player may choose which Units are lost. Any Tower MUST be lost first since it may not remain in the Region with enemy Units and may not be moved to your Capital City.
• Damage must be assigned completely to one Tower, Unit, or Vessel before the rest of the damage is assigned to remaining Units or Vessels.
• If a Structure, Unit, or Vessel takes any damage at all, even 1, it is destroyed. Destroyed Units are returned to the supply.
• Any remaining Units must be returned to that player's Capital City or to a Region containing a Tower they control.
In the example, the winning Orc army remains in the Region, after losing their sacrificed Warrior. The losing Human army suffers damage equal to half its Natural Strength of (1 Paladin and 2 Serfs), so it takes
Damage. The Human player decides to lose the Paladin, because his 4 Natural Strength more than covers the 3 Damage dealt. The Paladin is returned to the player's supply and can be recruited again on a future Recruit Action. The remaining 2 Serfs must be returned to their Capital City or a Region in which that player controls a Tower.