Heroes of Land, Air & Sea

Battling a Capital City


To achieve the “eXterminate Objective,” players may Battle an enemy’s Capital City. To total the Capital City’s Natural Strength:

• Add listed for the Capital City’s current Level only.

• Add from any Units in the Courtyard and Action Bar, with their bonuses.

• Add of any Air Vessels in or Sea Vessel docked on the Shore of the Capital City Region.

• Add of any Serfs in any completed Buildings' Worker Spaces.

• Towers are considered adjacent to the Capital City so any armies in Regions with your Towers may be moved into the Battle using the Conscripts Tactic Card.

Note: Your Capital City can hold any number of Units and is not subject to the normal limit of 5 Units per Faction.

For example, this Capital City is Lv.3, so it naturally has . There are 3 Serfs, 1 Warrior, and a Paladin (has a bonus ability) in the Courtyard and Action Bar, so together with bonuses they have . A Sea Vessel docked on the Shore Region has . The 3 Serfs on Buildings' Worker Spaces together have . Therefore added togehter, the total Strength of the Capital City before Tactic Cards are chosen is .