Pay Resources to recruit 1 new Unit.
The cost to recruit is listed in the banner next to the Unit name at the bottom of the C.C. Board.
For example, a Warrior costs 2 Food to recruit.
After paying the cost, the Unit is placed in the Courtyard. Only 1 Unit can be recruited with this Action each time it is taken. The exception is with Serfs: 3 Food may be spent to recruit 2 Serfs. Each Warrior in play is worth at the end of the game.
Players can recruit Heroes and Vessels if certain Buildings are built in the Capital City (see Capital Action: Build).
For example, to recruit the Paladin, the Cathedral must be built, and only then can 3 Food and 2 Ore be paid to recruit him, adding him to the Courtyard. Each Hero in play is worth at the end of the game.
Each Hero comes with 3 unique abilities, as noted on their Hero Card. Unlock abilities by building the matching level of the Capital City — each Hero starts with the ability, and can add the
ability if you add those levels to your Capital City (see Build – Upgrade Capital).
Note: When an ability conflicts with the game's rules, the ability always takes precedence.
When Recruited or Built (see Capital Action: Build), Vessels are placed on the Map, not into the Courtyard:
• Sea Vessels start docked on the Shore of your Capital City Region, which is the border between the Land Region and its adjacent Sea Region.
Note: docked Sea Vessels are considered to be in the Land Region, NOT the Sea Region.
• Air Vessels start fully in the Capital City Region.
Units may be exchanged freely between the Vessel and the Land Region it occupies or whose Shore it is docked with (in the case of Sea Vessels). That includes boarding from the Courtyard into the Vessel if it is in the Capital City Region. Each Vessel has a maximum capacity of 2 Units, as listed on the C.C. Board. Vessels cannot be boarded while moving.