Heroes of Land, Air & Sea

Game Board Overview


The board is placed in the center of the play area. Choose a side based on your number of players

(Note: Playing with more than 4 players requires the Order & Chaos Expansion.)

It consists of the following:

Player Count: (Top left hand corner.) Marks how many players should be playing when using this side of the board.

Continents: clusters of 10 adjacent Land Regions.

Sea Regions: 13 total Sea Regions.

Shores: are Land Regions that border Sea Regions where Sea Vessels may dock.
Ferry Routes: separate Sea Regions and connect continents so Land Units may cross.
Graticules: numbers/letters that mark a continuation of a Ferry Route.

Score Track: Marks the current Victory Points of each Faction and is used for endgame scoring as well.

Tax Track: Current value of Resources Route offered when taking the Tax Action (see Tax for Resources).

Note: Regions, other than Capital City Regions, can only contain a maximum of 5 Units of a single Faction. Capital City Regions do not have a Unit maximum.