Both players total the Strength () of all the Units, Vessels, and Structures in the Battle:
1. The “Natural Strength” is the value as listed beside the Unit's picture on the Capital City Board, or on its card, before bonuses are considered.
For example, a Paladin has a Natural Strength of .
2. Next add in all ability bonuses of Heroes, Vessels, and Structures that increase Strength. Defenders apply their abilities first, then the attacker.
For example, the Paladin’s ability “+ if at least 1 Serf is in his army” makes the Paladin
since his army has Serfs.
3. Each player may Cast 1 Combat Spell to strengthen your army or weaken the opposing army (even players not involved in the Battle). The defending player always casts a Combat Spell first. Once defender does so or announces that they are not casting, the attacking player may then cast a Combat Spell. The defender may not cast a Combat Spell after the attacker has, but Interrupt Spells may still be cast.
For example, the attacking player casts Rage which says "Before Tactic Cards are chosen, gain ."
In this example, the attacking Human army is in the Plains Region:
• has a Natural Strength of : 1 Paladin, 1 Warrior, and 2 Serfs.
• + from bonuses from the Paladin's ability and the Cathedral’s ability ("Warriors are +
if Battling in the Plains Region").
• + from casting the Combat Spell “Rage."
The total Strength of the Human army is now:
The defending Orc army:
• has a Natural Strength of : 2 Warriors.
• + in bonuses from the Blood Tent’s ability (“Every Serf in your enemy's army grants +
”) and the Barracks’ ability (“Your Warriors are + ”)
• The Orc player casts "Magic Arrow" ("Destroy 1 Warrior or Serf") instantly destroying the Human Warrior.
• The total Strength of the Orc army is now:
Since the Human army loses its Warrior to Magic Arrow, its total is now: