Catacombs 3E

Monster Vulnerabilities


Each monster family has vulnerabilities that can help make the game easier. These rules do not override any defensive properties that individual monsters may have.

Dungeon monsters (green) are vulnerable to missile shots. Treat any unmodified missile shot from a hero as having the critical shot modifier.

Infernal monsters (orange) are vulnerable to the ice shot. If hit with an ice shot, their health reduces by one point and they are frozen (if still alive).

Mythological monsters (blue) are vulnerable in melee shots. Treat any unmodified melee shot from a hero as having the regeneration shot modifier.

Undead monsters (gray) are vulnerable to fire. Treat any unmodified fireball shot from a hero as having the critical shot modifier. In addition, undead monsters take one point of damage when hitting or being pushed into fire walls and fire obstacles.

Vermin monsters (brown) that are extra small in size (Sewer Rats, Armoured Beetles, Pit Vipers, Vampire Bats) are vulnerable to fear. Treat any unmodified melee or missile shot from a hero as having the fear shot modifier. Ignore this effect if the target monster’s shot sequence contains any shot with the fear modifier.