Tiny Epic Tactics

Action: Cast a Spell


Wizards may cast spells that cost Mana (). You must first pay 1 to initiate the spell effect listed on the card. If you do not have at least 1, then you cannot cast the spell.

Powering Up a Spell: After paying the initial 1 to cast the spell, you may pay 1-3 additional to power it up. For each additional 1 you pay, you will roll 1 die in an attempt to roll icons. Depending on the Wizard's ability, can deal additional damage or boost other effects. You must pay all of the at once before you roll and cannot pay individual to roll one die at a time.

Spell Ranges: Note the Wizard's value listed in its magic stat and count the spaces as if it were a Missile Attack (see Action: Missile Attack). Some spells do not have a range and instead have special effects listed in the ability text.

Area of Effect: Some spells have passive effects in the area within a certain number of spaces from a certain space. Units in this area are not the "primary target" and therefore cannot Counter. Damage dealt by an Area of Effect ability does not affect your allies.