Tiny Epic Tactics

Action: Missile Attack


Fighters and Rogues have the ability to perform Missile Attacks . The attacking unit must pay 1 Ammo () to initiate the attack. To determine whether a target is within range:

Your Range is the number value () listed in the Missile stat, adjusted for Elevation. This adjustment is +1 if you are at a higher Elevation than your target, and -1 if you are at a lower Elevation. Your target is then in range if the distance to it, determined by counting the number of orthogonal spaces (you may "zig-zag"orthogonally but not count diagonally) from your unit to the target, is less than or equal to your .

You MUST have at least 1 in order to perform a Missile Attack.

Ignore units that are not the target when determining range for the Missile Attack (you will shoot "through" them). Reminder: units on a Peaks space have unlimited range.

Roll for Misses: After determining that your target is in range, you must then roll the dice to see if you are successful. Note the number of green squares () under the unit’s missile stat. You must roll that many dice.

For each 1 Miss () rolled, you must pay 1 (in addition to the 1 for initiating the Missile Attack).

If you have enough to pay for your roll, then you hit your target, dealing damage as listed in your Missile stat.

If you do not have enough , then you have missed your shot and do not hit your target. Immediately deplete your to "zero." Your Missile Attack action is then finished.