Tiny Epic Tactics

The Solo Enemy's Turn


After you take your turn, the Solo Enemy takes a turn, activating only one of its units. Draw a Solo Enemy Card, which shows which unit activates (see Activating A Solo Enemy). The drawn card is placed underneath the corresponding Unit Card.

If that unit has already been activated, or the card says “Leftmost” instead of a unit class, then the leftmost inactivated unit in the row is activated instead.

At the start of the Enemy’s turn, if all units have Solo Enemy Cards underneath them (have been activated), take ALL Solo Enemy Cards, including ones in the discard pile, and shuffle them to form a new draw deck. If the draw deck becomes empty, just shuffle the discard pile to form a new one.

When playing cards it is important to keep the cards parallel to the Realm Map, since they bear a compass on the cards used to make enemy decisions.