Tiny Epic Tactics

Frequently Asked Questions

If a unit is knocked back to a lower elevation, does it take damage?
A knocked back unit only takes damage when it is stopped by an obstacle.
Related Rule(s)
Can a single unit cast a healing spell and then attack on the same turn?
While a unit cannot attack twice in a turn, only spells that deal damage are considered to be attacks, so a Wizard may heal and then perform a melee attack, for example.
Related Rule(s)
When counterattacking, does knock back and other unit abilities take effect?
When countering, you perform your attack according to the usual attack rules.
Related Rule(s)
Are units their own allies?
Only other units are considered to be a unit's ally. So if a unit has an ability which affects all allies, this ability does not affect this unit itself.
Related Rule(s)
Can I move, then attack, and then continue moving with the same unit during a turn?
You must fully complete the movement action before starting another one.
Related Rule(s)
Is it possible to reduce the number of solo enemy units in play?
After you capture a solo enemy unit, you must replace it with another unit, so the solo enemy always plays with 4 units (however, you gain 2 time for capturing the unit).
In a solo game, can I move the time token higher than the starting 7th space?
. You cannot move higher than the “7” space on the Time Tracker Card.
Does it cost extra movement points to move onto a larger box, or onto a cliff with 2 stacked boxes?
When moving onto higher elevation, you pay 1 more movement point, no matter the size of the cliff, even if the cliff is made of several stacked boxes (which may be the case in some map layouts).
Related Rule(s)
If a unit stands on the large 8x5 box and targets a unit on a smaller box (like 3x2), does the attacking unit gain +1 range?
Elevation refers to the physical height of the map boxes. The large 8x5 Evergreen Forest map box is of a higher elevation than the other smaller boxes on the ground (3x2, 5x4 and 2x2), so targeting units, which are at a lower physical height, increases the attacking unit's range by 1.
Related Rule(s)
When the solo enemy unit moves with the Climb card, does it try to move from a smaller to a larger (8x5) map box?
Elevation refers to the physical height of the map boxes. The large 8x5 Evergreen Forest map box is of a higher elevation than the other smaller boxes on the ground (3x2, 5x4 and 2x2), so the solo enemy unit would try to Climb on the 8x5 box if it is on the 3x2 box, for example.
Related Rule(s)
Can a solo enemy target a unit, which is exploring a dungeon?
Units in dungeons cannot be targeted by Missile or Spell Attacks.
How can an enemy unit become weakened?
By your abilities
Some of your abilities, such as attacks, may weaken the solo enemy, however, the enemy cannot become weakened for taking 2 actions on a turn.
Can an enemy unit attack 2 times in a single turn?
The solo enemy attempts its 5 actions in order until it either makes a single attack or runs out of options. Its turn then ends.
If my unit becomes weakened on my turn, do I remove the weakened token at the end of my turn?
The weakened token is removed at the end of your NEXT turn.
Related Rule(s)
Can the same unit perform 2 different types of attacks in a single turn (becoming weakened)?
A single unit can take 2 different actions (and become weakened), however different types of attacks are not considered to be different actions. This does not apply, if you only 1 unit left in play.
Related Rule(s)
If I trigger one of 2 game-end conditions, do I get one more turn?
Players take turns until one of two game-end conditions is triggered; at this point, the active player finishes their turn, and all other players play one final turn in order.
Related Rule(s)
Can I move my unit diagonally?
Units move into adjacent spaces orthogonally (up, down, left, and right) and not diagonally.
Related Rule(s)
Can I move through an enemy unit?
You cannot pass through or end your movement on a space with an enemy unit. This also applies when the enemy unit is blocking a portal.
Related Rule(s)
Can I move through an allied unit?
You may pass through a space with an ally (counting that space as movement), but you may not end your movement in that space. You may move this way through an allied unit when it is blocking a portal.
Related Rule(s)
Does climbing onto a larger map box cost more movement points?
Moving in Elevation up a cliff (onto a higher level) costs +1 movement point, regardless of the level (whether it is a big box or a little box, it is always +1).
Related Rule(s)
Do Water and Forest spaces affect damage from area of affect attacks (when a unit is not the main target)?
If a unit is not targeted, but still damaged by an attack, this damage is increased by 1 if this unit is in a Water space, and reduced by 1 if it is in a Forest space.
Related Rule(s)
Does a Peak space provide unlimited range to ANY ranged ability?
When a unit is on a Peak space, it has unlimited range when TARGETING another unit with a Missile or a Spell attack. This does not affect other abilities with a ranged icon. For example, Jolene's Rally ability increases damage done by all allies within 4 range. This ability does not target any unit, so it is not affected by a Peak. However, Lorewynn's Conjure Birds deals damage to all TARGETS in range (of its spell attack), therefore she deals damage to all enemy units on the realm map when she is on a peak.
Related Rule(s)
Does a Solo Enemy unit gain 4 health when it enters a Village space?
Village spaces don't affect Solo Enemy units in any way - they don't heal any health when entering a Village (and don't gain Ammo or Mana).
Related Rule(s)
Can you attack or knock back a unit through a Portal?
Portals are considered to be adjacent for the sake of movement only.
Related Rule(s)
Can I attack with a Missile/Spell/Melee attack and then attack with a Ballista with the same unit?
The Ballista action is an attack, and you cannot perform 2 attacks with the same unit on a single turn (unless this is the only unit you have in play).
Related Rule(s)
Can a unit attacked with a Ballista counter this attack?
A unit targeted by a Ballista may counter, as with any other attack.
Related Rule(s)
Does a Peak space provide unlimited range to counter-attacks?
If you have a unit on a Peak space, this unit has unlimited range when targeting units with its Missile and Spell attacks, including when countering.
Related Rule(s)
How many Peak spaces are on the standard Evergreen Forest map?
There is 1 peak space on the 1x2 map box and 2 peak spaces on the 8x1 map box.
Related Rule(s)
Can I perform a Melee Attack against an adjacent unit, which is on a different elevation?
A unit may perform a Melee Attack against an enemy in an orthogonally adjacent space at the same Elevation (not on a higher or lower level).
Related Rule(s)
Can I perform a Melee Attack against an adjacent unit, which is on a Peak space?
Peak space is not on a higher elevation than other spaces on the same map box.
Related Rule(s)
Is a knocked back unit affected by terrain effects, such as a Village?
Being Knocked Back into or through a Village, Peak, Water, or Ballista space will not trigger immediate benefits, or inflict penalties.
Related Rule(s)
While a unit is knocked back into an obstacle, the knock back distance is reduced by 2 spaces. How much health does this unit lose?
If a unit is knocked back into an obstacle, it always loses exactly 1 health, regardless of how much the distance is reduced.
Related Rule(s)
When determining range, does the target enemy have to be reachable in a straight line from the attacking unit?
Your target is in range if the distance to it, determined by counting the number of orthogonal spaces (you may "zig-zag"orthogonally but not count diagonally) from your unit to the target, is less than or equal to your range.
Related Rule(s)
Can I target an enemy unit with a Missile or Spell Attack, if the attack would go through another unit or a map box?
There is no line of sight in this game and you ignore any obstacles between the attacking unit and the targeted unit (so you can shoot through another unit or over the top of a map box, for example).
Related Rule(s)
If I don't have enough Ammo for a Missile Attack and therefore miss the attack, do I still need to pay the remainder of my Ammo?
If you do not have enough Ammo, then you have missed your shot and do not hit your target. Immediately deplete your to "zero." Your Missile Attack action is then finished.
Related Rule(s)
Does missing a Missile Attack counts as an action?
You still perform this action, paying all of your remaining Ammo, but without dealing any damage.
Related Rule(s)
When performing a Spell Attack, can I pay 1 mana several times to roll each die individually?
You must pay all of the Mana at once before you roll and cannot pay individual mana to roll one die at a time.
Related Rule(s)
Can I damage my allies with an Area of Effect attack?
Damage dealt by an Area of Effect ability does not affect your allies.
Related Rule(s)
If a unit is captured after an attack, can the captured unit use its reactive abilities or counterattack?
When a unit is captured, it is no longer in play, and therefore cannot use its reactive abilities or counter (with an exception of Gamelyn, whose ability prevents him from going to zero health while he is above 1 health).
Related Rule(s)
Do I need to pay Ammo and Mana when counter-attacking?
When countering, you perform your attack according to the usual attack rules.
Related Rule(s)
Can I counter a counterattack?
You cannot Counter a Counter. After resolving the Counter, the attacking player continues their turn.
Related Rule(s)
Can a Weakened unit counterattack?
Yes, for 2 health
A Weakened unit may Counter; however, it must first lose 2 health to remove its Weakened Token.
Related Rule(s)
Does playing a Tactic Card count as 1 of the 3 actions of a turn?
Resolving a Tactic Card is a free action and does not count as an action on your turn.
Related Rule(s)
Do I move a Flag Token, if I am TIED with another player for a majority of a Control Area?
Ties for the most are not considered a "majority."
Does a Control Area ever need to be activated more than once?
Once a Control Area has been triggered, it is considered to remain triggered for the rest of the game even if no unit occupies the Trigger Space.
In Team and Cooperative game modes, are my teammate's units considered my allies?
During the game, your teammate’s units are considered your allies; however, you cannot take actions with them on your turn. Your units’ abilities (such as healing) can affect them. Likewise, you can move through spaces their units occupy. You can never attack or damage an allied player's units.
In Battle Mode, do I have to stop my movement on an Artifact 's space to pick it up?
You cannot pick the Artifact up while moving through its space.
In Battle Mode, do I deal the extra 1 damage when I steal the Artifact with a Melee Attack?
The attack you perform to steal the Artifact does not gain the 1 extra damage yet.
In a 2-player Cooperative Adventure Mode, does the time Time Token move at the start of EVERY player's turn?
When playing the Cooperative Adventure Mode, advance the Time Token down one space on the track at the start of EACH player’s turn.
In Solo Mode, can I continue moving in a dungeon after I enter it, if I have unused movement points?
If you have movement points remaining, you may continue moving in the dungeon immediately after entering it.
Related Rule(s)
Can I use portals of a map box, where a unit is currently exploring a dungeon?
While a dungeon is occupied, the spaces that the box would have covered are considered impassable. Units are not able to move on top of or enter the box in any way; nor can they go on top of other boxes that may have been set aside.
Related Rule(s)
Can I continue moving inside a dungeon after I resolve an effect shown on a dungeon space?
After resolving the effects of a dungeon space, you may still move if you have movement points remaining.
Related Rule(s)
After completing a dungeon, can I continue moving outside the dungeon?
After completing a dungeon, the unit may continue moving if it has movement points remaining.
Related Rule(s)
After completing a dungeon, can I perform the crystal card bonus effect on a later turn?
After you capture a crystal, you may immediately perform the one-time bonus effect listed on the crystal's card (it cannot be performed later).
Related Rule(s)