Tiny Epic Tactics

Solo Adventure Mode Setup


You are alone in this quest to rescue the arcane crystals, each locked away in the realm’s six dungeons, deep underground. Beware of the terrible minions that roam above and below the ground, for you must act quickly before time runs out!


9 Solo Enemy Cards

6 Dungeon Cards


Set up a normal 2-player game for Competitive Mode (choosing 1 set of Unit Tokens for yourself and 1 set for the Solo Enemy) with these changes:

1. When dealing Unit Cards, deal yourself 2 cards of each class:

A. Then for each class, select which card you want to keep, and give the other card to the Solo Enemy.

B. Flip those given cards to the “Solo Enemy” side and place them in a single line separate from your own, arranged from left to right in this order: Fighter, Beast, Rogue, then Wizard.

C. Place a Health Tracker on the highest space of each health track and do not place Ammo or Mana Trackers.

D. Set aside the unused decks of Unit Cards for later use.

2. Shuffle the 9 Solo Enemy Cards to form a face-down deck, and place it next to the row of Unit Cards. Allow an area next to the deck for discarded cards to be placed.

3. Place the 6 Dungeon Cards in a row so their red Solo Enemy sides are face-up, and place the "Crystal of Glory" in the rightmost spot (the order of the other Dungeon Cards is not important as they do not have to be completed in any specific order).

4. Flip the Control Card to reveal the "Time Tracker" side, and then place 1 unused Mana Tracker on the “7” space. This will be known as the Time Token. Set aside the Flag Tokens for later use.

5. Deal yourself Tactic Cards as normal, but do not deal them to the Solo Enemy. It will not use Tactic Cards in this mode.

6. You may choose any starting location, but as in a 2-player game, place two of your units in one location and the other two in the diagonally opposite starting location.


1. Take all 4 Solo Enemy Unit Tokens into your closed hands and lightly shake them. Then without looking, gently drop one token into the box's open top lid.

2. Then take the 3 Flag Tokens and shaking them the same way, drop one into the lid.

3. Place that unit onto the corresponding Control Area’s Trigger Space, and set aside that Flag Token.

4. Repeat this twice more with the remaining Unit Tokens and Flag Tokens until you have placed 3 units. The fourth and final unit will be placed in a space adjacent to the last unit placed. Draw the top Solo Enemy Card from its deck and use the “decision compass” to determine which adjacent space to place it in.

5. Finally, shuffle the used Solo Enemy Card back into the deck, set aside the Flag Tokens for later use, and you are ready to begin!