Only one unit may occupy any single space at one time. Each space typically costs 1 to enter, but certain terrains have different effects:
Spaces with Allies: You may pass through a space with an ally (counting that space as movement), but you may not end your movement in that space.
Spaces with Enemies: You cannot pass through or end your movement on a space with an enemy unit.
Climbing: Moving in Elevation up a cliff (onto a higher level) costs +1, regardless of the level (whether it is a big box or a little box, it is always +1). Moving down a level costs no additional
(Note that climbing onto a Peak, Water, or Ballista space still costs an additional 1, see below)
Plains/Bridges: No effect.
Water: Entering each Water space costs +1, but moving out of Water costs no additional
. Units in Water take +1 damage (
) each time they are attacked.
Forest: While in a Forest, your unit takes -1 from any attack (the unit can take cover there).
Peaks: Entering costs +1, but moving out of a Peak costs no additional
. While on a Peak, your unit has unlimited range. They may target ANY unit on the Realm Map with a Missile or Spell Attack. A unit on a Peak may also Counter (see Reaction: Countering) with a Missile or Spell Attack.
Villages: If a unit passes through or ends movement in a Village, it immediately regains 4 AND fully replenishes all its Ammo or Mana (if applicable to their character class).
• A unit cannot benefit from the same Village twice in a turn.
• A unit does not benefit from starting its turn in a Village.
For each Village that you have a unit on at the end of the game, you score 1 victory point.
Portals: Portals allow you to move across the realm instantly. All Portals are considered adjacent to one another for the sake of movement only. When you enter a Portal, you may exit from any other Portal. They are marked by large arrows and are typically represented as caves or doors.
• If a unit is standing in front of a Portal, that Portal is blocked to all other players; therefore, enemy units cannot pass through.
• Allied units may still move through a Portal blocked by your unit.
• Units cannot be Knocked Back through a Portal or moved through a Portal by enemy abilities. You also cannot Missile or Spell Attack through a Portal.
Ballista: Entering costs +1, but moving out of a Ballista costs no additional
After moving into this space, you MAY take a special action with that unit as a second action (taking a Weakened Token if applicable):
Choose any enemy unit within a range of 4 spaces (count spaces as if performing a Missile Attack, see Action: Missile Attack), deal the target 1, and then Knock Back that enemy 1 space in any direction (see Action: Melee Attack). They then may Counter. If a unit starts its turn on the Ballista space, it may use the Ballista but cannot move out and back into the Ballista space on the same turn.