Tiny Epic Tactics

Reaction: Countering


If your unit is a primary target that directly takes damage from a Melee, Missile, or Spell Attack, you may Counter against the unit that attacked you.

First, note any reactive abilities () of your unit. These trigger AS SOON as your unit takes damage, but do not trigger if your unit is captured.

Countering occurs after the attacker has completed their entire attack (including Knock Back and any ability effects).

You may Counter with a Melee, Missile, or Spell Attack. You must be in range to Counter. For Missile and Spell Attacks, you must be able to pay the ammo or mana needed to be successful.

You may ONLY attack the target that attacked you. You cannot move to attack, or cast spells that do not make your attacker the primary target. However, any passive abilities that deal damage to other enemies or aid your allies still apply.

A Weakened unit may Counter; however, it must first lose 2 to remove its Weakened Token.

• You cannot Counter a Counter. After resolving the Counter, the attacking player continues their turn.