Tiny Epic Tactics

Securing a Control Area


Your force will attempt to secure the Realm's 3 Control Areas, each comprised of six spaces marked with a flag icon. Each Area also contains a Trigger Space with a larger and more prominent flag icon. This is the Trigger Space of that Control Area. To secure a Control Area, a player must secure the Flag Token (see below).

Activating a Trigger Space:

Move a unit onto the Control Area's Trigger Space. If your unit is on the Trigger Space at the START of your turn, check if you have Majority Control of the Control Area. Majority Control means that you have the more units in a Control Area than any other player. Ties for the most are not considered a "majority."

If so, immediately advance the matching Flag Token on the Control Card’s “START” space to the “ROUND 1” space. Once a Control Area has been triggered, it is considered to remain triggered for the rest of the game even if no unit occupies the Trigger Space. The Trigger Space is considered as a part of the Control Area when checking for Majority Control.

Advancing Control: At the START of your turn, if you have Majority Control in a triggered Control Area, advance its Flag Token forward one space on the Control Card.

Stealing Control: At any time, another player may steal majority control of a Control Area. This can happen by Knocking opponents' units out of the Control Area, capturing units, or by moving enough units into the Control Area to claim majority. The Flag Token does not reset if a player steals control of the Control Area, it remains where it's at on the track.

If there are no units in a triggered Control Area at the start of a player’s turn, the Flag Token will not advance and instead will remain where it is on the track.

Securing the Flag: If the Flag Token reaches the final “CONTROL” space on the Control Card, the Area is secured. The player who had Majority Control when it became secured collects that Control Area's Flag Token.

Flag Tokens are worth 5 victory points at the end of the game. Flag Tokens cannot be stolen once earned.

In a 4-player game, all 3 Flag Tokens must be collected to trigger the end. Play continues until it gets back to the player who secured the final Control Area. That player does not get another turn and the game ends.

In a 3-player game, 2 Flag Tokens must be collected to trigger the end of the game. As in the 4-player game, once the end of the game is triggered, play continues until it gets back to the player who triggered the end. That player will not get another turn and the game ends.

In a 2-player game, once 1 Flag Token is collected, the end of the game is triggered. The player who collected the token does not take another turn. The other player then takes one more turn and the game ends. Therefore it is possible for the other player to secure a Control Area, too, on their final turn, but the game then still ends.