Tiny Epic Tactics

Battle Mode: Free-For-All


This mode is different from Competitive Mode in that you are not securing Control Areas. Instead, capturing units and controlling the Artifact is the aim of the game!


1. The Control Card and 2 Flag Tokens are not needed. Only 1 Flag Token is used, and it is called the “Artifact.”

2. Use the reverse side of the scroll with the central Artifact space. Place the Flag Token onto the Artifact space, and then build a unique Realm Map following the guidelines below.

Realm Builder Rules

You may use any map from any map expansion, BUT you are not required to use all of the boxes.

You may ignore the art's orientation when placing boxes.

DO NOT place boxes covering the central Artifact space or any of the Control Areas' Trigger Space icons on the scroll.

You may cover up any map spaces like Water, Bridges, Peaks, and Villages. Portals are marked only by the white line on cliffs.

*Boxes can sit on the mat or sit on one other box but may not sit on two different boxes.

*All the boxes and maps should complete a continuous map. There should be no spaces that are unreachable.

*Consider these rules as suggestions. They do not have to be followed for all of your map setups. If all players agree, you may enjoy exploring unique and creative arrangements with the addition of house rules, as needed. Please tell us about them!


When players are choosing the starting location spaces, consider the 4 corners of the Realm Map farthest away from the Artifact as starting locations, even if those corners are on elevated terrain.

Pick Up the Artifact:

When a unit ends their movement on the Artifact’s space, it picks it up. Place the Artifact on that unit's card. It becomes the Artifact Bearer.

An Artifact Bearer gains the following effects:

-1 to Movement

+1 to Missile and Spell Attack

+1 to Melee Attack

Losing the Artifact:

If the Artifact Bearer is successfully Knocked Back with a Melee Attack (and only a Melee Attack), then the unit that Knocked them Back steals the Artifact and places it on their card (its +1 for Attacking does not apply).

If the Artifact Bearer is captured, the Artifact is dropped onto the space that unit is on before the unit is removed from the map.

You cannot drop the Artifact or pass it between your units. Once a unit picks it up, the Artifact will stay with that unit until it is either stolen with a Knock Back or the Artifact Bearer is captured.


The game end triggers after any player has captured 3 enemy units. Then each other player takes one additional turn, but the player who triggered the end will not get an extra turn. For scoring, players score as normal for surviving units, captured units, and occupied Villages. In addition, the player who holds the Artifact gains 3 victory points.