Tiny Epic Tactics

Exploring the Dungeon


You may only have one unit in a dungeon at a time. While a dungeon is occupied, the spaces that the box would have covered are considered impassable. Units are not able to move on top of or enter the box in any way; nor can they go on top of other boxes that may have been set aside.

Outside the dungeon, if units are Knocked Back onto a flipped over box, they stop and take damage as if they were knocked into a cliff wall.

You must follow all the normal rules for taking actions in the dungeon. It is likely the unit will be in the dungeon for several turns before they complete it. After resolving the effects of a dungeon space, you may still move if you have movement points remaining. The several types of dungeon spaces are:

Entrance: When first entering a dungeon, your unit is placed here.

Crystal Treasure: You have captured the crystal from the dungeon. Exit the dungeon and flip the Dungeon Card to the green Control side.

Water: Entering costs +1, but moving out of Water costs no additional .

Random Monster: Draw a monster card from the Solo Enemy deck. Resolve the effect at the bottom of the card, then discard it to its discard pile. This does not count as taking an action, and you may continue moving if you have movement points remaining.

Cave-In: Before entering this space, roll the number of dice allowed to you as if you were performing a Knock Back attempt. If you roll at least 1, you may enter the space. If you roll none, then you lose 2 in your movement and can try again if you still have .

Trap: When you enter this space, roll 3 dice. For each you roll, lose 2. You may still move after the encounter if you have movement points remaining.

Locked Door: Only a Rogue may enter this space.

Magic Barrier: Only a Wizard may enter this space, and you must pay 2 to do so.


When a unit enters the Crystal Treasure space, it immediately exits the dungeon. Restore the boxes to the original setup, placing the unit on any open Portal space for the box containing the dungeon just completed. If all Portal spaces are blocked, place the unit on a space that is one space away to such a Portal space (must be on the same Elevation). The unit may continue moving if it has movement points remaining.

You may immediately perform the one-time bonus effect listed on the crystal's card (it cannot be performed later). Then flip the matching Dungeon Card from the red to the green side, showing that you have captured it.