Tiny Epic Tactics

Game End and Scoring


The end of the game is triggered one of two ways:

One player has had all of their units captured, OR...

One player has taken the final Flag Token (based on the number of players; see Securing a Control Area)

Play continues, each other player taking a turn until it is the player’s turn who triggered the game’s end. That player does not take a turn; instead, the game ends and players calculate their final scores to declare a winner:

• 5 points for every Flag Token captured.

• 2 points for every unit you have that survived.

• 2 points for every unit that you have captured.

• 1 point for each Village in which you have a unit.

If there is a tie, use the following tie-breakers in order to resolve a winner. First: having the most surviving units. Second: having the most captured units. Third: having the most Flag Tokens. Fourth: having the highest total health in all surviving units. If there still is a tie, then victory is shared.