Tiny Epic Game of Thrones

The Mother of Dragons


Daenerys Targaryen would not be complete without her dragons. These loyal and dangerous beasts can be implemented in both a standard or cooperative game when House Targaryen is in play, and either as a player or a non-player house! Place the 3 Dragons, the 3 Eggs, and the Dragons Card near the Targaryen Mat.

Gameplay: If you have Daenerys’s Hero Figure and Card, you also gain her Dragons. Take all of the components listed above and place them next to your House Mat. This also means that if House Targaryens are a NP and you choose not to take Daenerys as a hero, then you do not get her Dragons.

Daenerys's Hero Card Event: Played as an event, you spend 2 gold to place an Egg (all 3 are the same) into any domain you control (as noted on Daenerys’s card). You may place multiple Eggs if you can afford to pay the 2 gold for each. You may also place more than 1 in the same domain (this cannot exceed the DUL).

Eggs: While on the map, these units count toward the Domain Unit Limit, but do not offer any strength in a battle. If another player attacks the domain and wins the battle, the Egg is the unit that is lost and is returned to their House Mat. Eggs can move with other units and cannot be abandoned. An Egg can NEVER be the only unit in a domain.

At the end of the Collecting Taxes Phase, an Egg in any domain “hatches” and is swapped with a Dragon matching that color (marked by the House Targaryen’s ability). There can only ever be 3 Dragons in play (not counting the Ice Dragon).

Dragons: They are treated like Heroes for the purpose of events, and therefore count as in a battle. Each Dragon gains 1 additional when Collecting Taxes.

Flying: Dragons may March or Sail with other units normally, OR they may Fly. Perform either a March or a Sail action to directly move only 1 Dragon (either alone or carrying Daenerys) to a domain up to 3 adjacent domains away.