Tiny Epic Game of Thrones

Cooperative Scoring Phases


There are only 2 Scoring Phases: one after Round 3 and one after 5. The last Round’s Scoring does not matter, since players will have won or lost by that point, depending on whether the Night King has survived.

On each Scoring Phase: All victory points the players score are tracked collectively using one of the player shields.

Score for every 2 Castles on the Treaty Mat.

Each player individually scores based their House Mat’s Objectives (based on tokens not on the Force Track like in the base game). For the Fief Domain objectives, only count Fiefs that you individually occupy. Fiefs that are SOLELY occupied by allied NP units do not count. A player only scores for King’s Landing if their house occupies it.

Score for each NP alliance the Treaty has (each NP Shield on its mat).

The Night King does not score during a Scoring Phase. Instead, he only scores for each White Walker on the Map during the Collecting Taxes Phase (see Step 4: Cooperative Collecting Taxes).