
You may move an army up to two adjacent domains. A march is moving by land any number of Power Tokens you control (your house’s and/or an allied house’s) from one domain into an adjacent domain. All of the moving units are called an “army.”

“Adjacent” requires moving over a border. Corner-to-corner domains, such as Ashemark and The Eyrie, are not adjacent. However, water borders between domains are considered adjacent: Pyke is adjacent to Riverrun and Ashemark.

When marching units:

You may move up to two adjacent domains (which have white borders). For instance, you may march from Castle Black, through Last Hearth, to Hornwood.

You may move into domains you control, and pick up and/or drop off units from your army (including allied tokens) anywhere along your marching path, moving from domain to domain. For instance starting in Castle Black, dropping off a token and picking up an Arryn from Last Hearth, before moving to Hornwood.

You may march from one Map Card to another. For instance, moving from Hornwood to Winterfell.

You cannot move two separate armies from two different home domains with a single March action. All units that move must either be part of the initial army or be picked up along that initial army’s path.

You cannot move through domains with another player’s Power Tokens or an unallied house’s Power Tokens (unless a power lets you do so). Marching into a hostile domain immediately results in a battle (see Battling).

If you end your march in an unoccupied Castle Domain, you take control and add the Castle to the rightmost open space on your Gold Track (see Castles).

You cannot end your march in King’s Landing unless you currently control 3 Castles (see Sitting on the Iron Throne). However, you may move through King’s Landing if it is not currently occupied by another player or unallied house.

The final result of a march cannot exceed the Domain Unit Limit (see previous Domain Unit Limit).