When you enter a domain that an opponent or a non-allied house controls, it results in a battle. The player who triggered the battle by entering the domain is the attacker. To determine each side’s military strength (), follow these steps:
1. The attacker () may immediately play one face-down Plot Card from their hand for free (attackers do not pay). This card’s strength bonus is based on the icon in the top left corner of the card, but it may also represent a Special Battle Action that you may perform (see Special Battle Actions).
2. The defender () then may also play a face-down Plot Card from their hand. However, they are required to pay any gold cost (listed under the card’s battle icon). If battling a non-player house that is not in an alliance, then draw and reveal the top Plot Card from the deck for its battle icon (it does not need to pay gold).
3. Both sides total their strengths based on their units in the domain:
• Each Power Token in the domain contributes .
• Each Hero in the domain contributes .
• If a defender controls a Castle in the domain, it contributes .
• If defending King’s Landing, the Iron Throne contributes .
• Both sides now reveal any played Plot Cards and add any listed in the top left corner.
• Note any additional from an Event that the attacker may have used to initiate this battle.
In this example, House Lannister is attacking House Stark at Winterfell:
The Lannisters win the battle, gaining 1 Victory Point and the Castle! House Stark loses 1 Tully Power Token () and then retreats (see Retreating).