Tiny Epic Game of Thrones

House Mats, Shared Gold and Alliances


Ignore the Gold Track and Ally Pool on your House Mat. Instead, the Treaty uses the Gold Track and Ally Pool on the Treaty Mat. Whenever you spend , use this shared track to reduce the Treaty’s current holdings. When you gain through collecting taxes on Fief Domains, turning in cards, and so forth, raise the marker on the track (max 10).

Similarly, players gain and lose alliances with individual NP houses jointly, using the Treaty Mat to hold all the Treaty’s NP Shields and Power Tokens. Any player can recruit or lead any NP house in the Treaty. Hero Cards of NP house leaders may only be used by a player sharing a domain with that leader. White Walkers can never be taken as Ally Tokens and the Night King can never be an ally. The Night King does not make alliances, but instead he Evokes Terror to Terrify houses (see Evoke Terror).