You may gain Power Tokens to your Ally Pool from a non-player house to be used as leverage against them. Play a single Plot Card from your hand, and perform a Plot affecting any house whose Shield is listed in the upper-right corner of the card. Each Plot action costs gold, and if the Plot Card has more than one Shield, you may choose to act against either or both. If the Shield is for a:
1. Non-Player House: Pay 1 gold to take a Power Token from that house’s Token Pool on its mat and add it to your Ally Pool. If there are no tokens in its pool, then choose a player with one of the tokens in their Ally Pool and return it to its house’s pool. That Power Token is now available to gain with another Plot. For instance, an Arryn Shield allows you to gain 1 Arryn Power Token.
2. Your Own House or a House Not in the Game: Pay 2 gold to take a Power Token of ANY non-player house and place it in your Ally Pool. For instance, a Lannister Shield allows you to gain 1 Arryn Power Token, if you are playing the Lannisters.
3. An Opponent’s House: Pay 3 gold to steal any 1 Power Token from that player’s Ally Pool and place it in your pool. That player does not gain the 3 gold you spent. For instance, a Stark Shield allows you to steal 1 Arryn Power Token from the Stark player.
After playing and resolving a Plot Card, place it into the discard pile.