
There are three scoring phases in the game where players advance their Shields on the Score Track: one after round 3, one after round 5, and then a final one after round 6. If your score exceeds 30, flip your Shield to its 30+ side.

• Number of Castles you control compared to all other players:

If there is a tie, all tied players get the full points of the level they tie for, and any players afterward get their full points too. For example, if 2 players in a 3-player game are tied for most Castles, then both players gain , and the remaining player ranks second most, gaining .

• House Objectives: The specific requirements listed at the bottom of each player’s House Mat. These objectives are connected to Power Tokens you have recruited from the Force Track. You must have all Power Tokens above the objective recruited and control the required domains to score the points. For instance, House Lannister does not gain for their control of 2 Fief domains since they have recruited only 3 Power Tokens and not 4.

Note: the last objective on each mat does not require control of a domain.

• Alliances: Gain for each alliance you have (NP Shields in your Ally Pool).