Tiny Epic Game of Thrones

Solo Setup Changes


Set up for a 2-player game, with these changes:

1. After you choose your house, take the deck of Solo Hero Cards and remove your house’s hero from the deck, and then shuffle and draw 1 Solo Hero Card. This is the Rival Hero and House you will be playing against (you may also choose a specific hero and house if you wish). Return all unused Solo Hero Cards to the box.

2. Set up the Rival House Mat and play area:

A. The Rival does not need a hand of Plot Cards or its standard Hero Card. Place the chosen Solo Hero Card face-up to the right of the House Mat.

B. Do not place a Gold Coin (it does not track gold).

C. Shuffle the Rival Cards and form a face-down deck to the left of the mat.

D. Instead of placing your Castle on your Gold Track, place the Rival’s Castle on space 9 of your track (yours are placed to the side).

3. Flip the Round and Action Mats to their SOLO sides.

4. Place 2 unused Gold Coins near the Action Mat.

5. Give yourself 3 Action Dice, and place 2 Action Dice in the Rival’s play area.

6. The Hand of the King is not needed. Leave it in the box or place it in front of you if you wish. You are always the first player in each round.

Setting Up for Increased Difficulty

Hard- The Rival starts with 1 alliance: draw Plot Cards until the first non-player shield icon appears (starting with the leftmost). Place 2 Power Tokens and the Shield from that house in the Rival’s Ally Pool. Give it 3 starting Victory Points. Shuffle the drawn Plot Card(s) back into the deck.

• Epic- Use the method above to determine 2 starting alliances, and give the Rival 5 starting Victory Points.