Tiny Epic Game of Thrones

Frequently Asked Questions

If the Night King or a White Walker enters a domain with only units of a non-player house which is allied to the Treaty, which player can play the plot card in the battle?
Any player
If an allied house is battling without any player's units, any 1 player of your choice can play a Plot Card to aid in the battle.
Is the strength of uncovered Dragon Glass or Valyrian Steel spaces added to a battling unit, if this unit conscripts the Night King or White Walkers?
When your enemy draws a Plot Card with a Conscripts action, you add all of the strength shown in the conscripted units' shield icons, including uncovered Dragon Glass or Valyrian Steel spaces. If multiple White Walkers are conscripted, you add the enter strength of each adjacent White Walker the entire strength of each adjacent White Walker (not just +1), For example, if no Valyrian Steel spaces are covered and 2 White Walkers are conscripted, this adds +12 strength to the battle. However, you don't add the strength from the special Night King's conscripts action shown on his mat, when the Night King is not in the battle domain himself (when he is conscripted).
Can I pick up an exploration token on another player's turn (if I have 3 units in the domain)?
You must wait for your turn to pick up exploration tokens (and have at least 3 units in the domain).
Related Rule(s)
If I lose a battle with the Ice Dragon, do I still need to return it where the Wall was?
If you lose the battle, you suffer the standard cost of losing and must retreat from that domain. The Ice Dragon stays in that domain as well. If the dragon is still there when the Treaty enters that domain again, you are attacking the Ice Dragon this time.
What is the battle strength of a Daenerys's Dragon?
2, like any Hero
Related Rule(s)
Can a Dragon be the only unit in a domain?
Related Rule(s)
Do Dragon Eggs count towards the Domain Unit Limit?
Related Rule(s)
Does the Night King score anything during a Scoring Phase?
The Night King does not score during a Scoring Phase. Instead, he only scores for each White Walker on the Map during the Collecting Taxes Phase.
In a cooperative game, can I score points for House Mat's Objective domains, which are occupied with allied units only?
In a cooperative game, each player scores each objective only by counting domains which have at least 1 unit of their OWN house (domains with non-player houses only or with other players' units don't count).
Does the Night King gain anything when collecting taxes?
Yes, points
After the players have finished collecting taxes, the Night King gains 1 victory point for each White Walker on the Map.
Do players in a cooperative game gain income from uncovered spaces on their Force Tracks?
Only Plot Cards
When collecting taxes in a cooperative game, players DO NOT gain gold from open spaces on their House Mats’ Force Tracks, however they may each draw new Plot Cards for any visible Plot Card icons.
Does the Night King also cull its Power Tokens from the Terror Pool down to 2 tokens per house?
If the Night King terrifies a house which has their hero figure on the map, does this hero stay on the map?
If a terrified house’s Hero is in the game, return its card and figure to its House Mat.
Related Rule(s)
Who gains an alliance in case of a tie with the Night King?
The Treaty
If there is a tie when checking an alliance, the Treaty ALWAYS gains the alliance.
Do we need to return ALL White Walkers from the Terror Pool to their mat at the end of each round (even if only some of them were used to terrify Power Tokens)?
Can I trade cards with another player or use another player's cards?
You may (and should) show your hand to the other players, but you can’t use or receive another player’s cards.
Related Rule(s)
Can we gain gold by stealing it from the Night King or White Walkers?
Text that allows you to steal gold from the Night King or his White Walkers always is successful (even though he has no Gold Track). You however cannot steal gold from non-players or Terrified Houses.
Is the Night King's figure or the Ice Dragon considered to be a hero?
The Night King’s Figure or the Ice Dragon cannot be targeted as “Heroes” (since they are not Heroes).
Can I eliminate a White Walker by playing an event card (that references Power Tokens)?
When playing an event card, White Walkers on the Map are considered “Power Tokens” in terms of “eliminating,” however they cannot ever be added to “your Ally Pool,” and instead are returned to the White Walker Pool. White Walkers cannot be “transferred,” however NP Power Tokens in Terror Pool can.
Can I recruit allied non-player units to another player's domain in a cooperative game?
Related Rule(s)
Can 2 players share a domain with their own units in a cooperative game?
Units of two players cannot end a turn occupying the same domain (but you can move through another player's domain while marching).
Related Rule(s)
Can we gain control of a castle if there is no more space for it on the Treaty Mat?
It is possible to control more than the 10 castles listed on the Treaty Mat.
Related Rule(s)
When I use a Conscripts card in a cooperative game, do I gain strength from ALL adjacent friendly units, including players' and allied houses' units?
Playing a Conscripts card is a powerful option to defeat the Night King, since you gain extra strength from all adjacent units, which belong to yourself, to other players and to allied non-player houses.
Related Rule(s)
What should I do with an allied non-player hero's card in a cooperative game, if I move out of a domain with this hero?
Return to its mat
In a cooperative game, only the player with units sharing a domain with an allied non-player hero's figure can use this hero's card (holding it in their hand). If this player no longer shares the domain, return the hero card next to its mat, unless this card has already been played this round (discarded next to the player mat). If the card has already been played this round, keep it next to the player mat and return the card next to its mat at the end of a round. This marks that each hero card can be played once per turn (you cannot keep taking the card into your hand by moving in and out of the shared domain). Lastly, note that the hero figure itself stays on the map until it is eliminated.
Can different players have units from the same allied non-player house in their domains?
In a cooperative game, all players control the allied units (so they can move, recruit and battle with them).
Does the Night King score 1 point when he or a White Walker/Ice Dragon wins a battle?
The Night King and White Walkers never gain victory points for winning battles.
What happens to a White Walker when it is defeated in a battle?
Return to its mat
When you win a battle against a White Walker, return it to its pool on the White Walker Mat. This is also true if you defeat the Ice Dragon and a White Walker in the same domain (return the Ice Dragon where the Wall was, and return the White Walker back to its mat).
If the Night King draws a Conscripts card, does he gain strength for each adjacent White Walker again?
The Night King gains +1 strength from each adjacent (and in his domain) White Walker automatically (as shown on his mat), and if he draws a Conscripts card, then he gains the extra strength from all adjacent White Walkers again. Note that this adds the entire strength of each adjacent White Walker (not just +1), including any uncovered Valyrian Steel spaces (if no spaces are covered, then each White Walker adds 6 extra strength).
If the Night King, a White Walker or the Ice Dragon draws a Conscripts card, do they gain strength from adjacent units of terrified houses?
Terrified houses are not allied to the Night King and therefore cannot be conscripted by him. Likewise, non-player houses cannot conscript the Night King, a White Walker or the Ice Dragon.
Does the Night King gain +18 or +7 extra battle strength when no spaces on his Strength Track are covered with a Dragonglass token?
When battling the Night King, you must add all visible numbers on his Strength Track.
Does the Night King, a White Walker or the Ice Dragon ever retreat?
If you draw a Secret card for any of them, it counts as a +0 battle strength card, since they cannot retreat.
Do I automatically lose a battle if the Night King attacks a domain with my units when we (the Treaty) have a lower score than him?
If you cannot battle the Night King and he attacks your domain, you must lose 1 unit and retreat, as if you have just lost the battle.
Does the Night King or a White Walker need to control or have destroyed any Castles to enter King's Landing?
The Night King does not need to control any castles to enter King’s Landing or place a White Walker there. This gives him control of the Iron Throne, which counts as a “wild” Terror Token when checking alliances.
Related Rule(s)
Does a destroyed Castle provide 1 extra strength for players when defending the domain?
A destroyed Castle still offers the +1 defensive bonus but can no longer be controlled by the players.
Related Rule(s)
When the Night King moves into a Castle domain to attack, does it cause any battles along the path he moves?
When the Night King attacks, he does not move through connected domains like a normal player, and his movement cannot be blocked—he moves directly to the castle.
Related Rule(s)
What happens if I need to add a White Walker, but there are no White Walkers left on the mat?
Score for Night King
If all the White Walkers are on the map and more must be placed, the Night King gains 1 victory point per White Walker that cannot be placed (this is listed on the White Walker Mat).
Related Rule(s)
Does a White Walker receive defensive bonus from a Castle or the Iron Throne?
Only players (or allied non-player houses) can receive the defensive bonus from Castles or the Iron Throne.
Related Rule(s)
Can there be 2 White Walkers in a single domain?
If you need to place a White Walker into a domain with another White Walker, don't place this White Walker, and score 1 victory point for the Night King instead.
Related Rule(s)
Can a White Walker or the Night King be in the same domain with a nonplayer house?
If you add a White Walker (or the Night King) into a domain with units of a non-player house (that is not allied to you), one unit is placed onto the Terror Pool and the remaining units must retreat. This is true even if the non-player house is terrified (terrified houses are not allied to the Night King). Meanwhile if the non-player house is allied to you, then this starts a battle with you.
Related Rule(s)
Can I pick up an exploration token when retreating?
Yes, with 3 units
You can pick up an exploration token when retreating into a domain, if you have 3 units there after you retreat, and if it is your turn.
Related Rule(s)
When an exploration token with a negative effect is revealed, do we have to resolve it immediately or do we need to enter the domain?
Resolve immediately
Related Rule(s)
If I have 2 units in a domain with an exploration token and then move into the domain with only 1 unit, can I pick up the token?
You can pick up an exploration token at any time on your turn, if you have at least 3 units in the domain. It doesn't matter with how many of them you have just entered the domain, as long as you have 3 units there.
Related Rule(s)
Can I leave revealed exploration tokens on the map for later use?
Some of them
You can leave a "Remove a White Walker" or "Cache of Gold" exploration token in its domain after revealing it, if you don't want to use its effect immediately. You must have 3 units in the domain to pick up the token on your turn later on (but you don't need to reenter the domain).
Related Rule(s)
Do I automatically reveal a blue exploration token, if it is added into a domain where I already have 3 units?
When adding a new facedown token to a domain with an army of 3+ units, reveal and resolve the token.
Related Rule(s)
What should I do if a Ranger Card instructs me to reveal a blue exploration token in a domain, but I cannot?
Add new one
If there is no token in the domain marked by the Ranger Card, or there is already a face-up token in that domain, add a new face-down token to that domain.
Related Rule(s)
Can the Rival's hero be removed from the map?
Related Rule(s)
If the Rival retreats, does it always retreat to the nearest friendly domain?
If the Rival plays a Retreat and it is the attacker, it returns to the previous domain that it just moved from. If it’s the defender, it would retreat to the nearest unoccupied or Rival-controlled domain.
Related Rule(s)
If the Rival is battling a non-player house, which side draws their Plot Card first?
Non-player house
Related Rule(s)
If I battle with the Rival, can I look the Rival's drawn Plot Card before deciding which plot card to play for myself?
In a battle, the Rival always draws and reveals its Plot Card last.
Related Rule(s)
What happens if the Rival needs to plot with its strongest ally, but it doesn't have any allies?
Choose any house
If the Rival performs the plot action and draws a plot card with a shield of its own house, while it doesn't have any allies, you must choose any non-player house and place 1 Power Token into its ally pool.
Related Rule(s)
What happens if the Rival card instructs it to recruit a Power Token from its ally, but the Rival doesn't have any allies yet?
Skip this action
If the Rival has no allies, then ignore “ally unit” instructions. The Rival gains alliances like a normal player would, when checking alliances at the end of the round. This means that the Rival will skip all "ally unit" actions during the 1st round.
Related Rule(s)
What happens if the Rival's Next Target is already controlled by the Rival?
Proceed to the right
If the Rival needs to move to its Next Target domain, but this domain is already controlled by it, the Rival then moves to the other target, which is listed TO THE RIGHT of this one (if this target is also controlled by it, then you proceed even further to the right on the list of targets until you find a valid target). For example, if the Rival needs to move to King's Landing but it already controls it, then the Rival moves to the nearest non-Rival controlled Castle instead (it doesn't matter if the Rival still has Power Tokens on the Force Track above this target).
Can the Rival move to a domain under its control?
If the Rival would move to a domain occupied by Rival units or its allies, the Rival instead moves directly to its NEXT TARGET.
Does the Rival move with all of its units in a domain when marching or sailing?
No, leaves 1 unit
When the Rival marches or sails, it moves with its Hero and companion units to the target domain, always leaving 1 Power Token behind in its starting domain if able to (prioritizing a choice of its own house’s units over allies).
Where do I keep my Castles in a solo game?
Besides your mat
In a solo game, you keep your Castles next to your mat, while the Rival's Castles are placed on the right of your Gold Track (where you would place yours in a multiplayer game).
Related Rule(s)
Do I need to pass the Hand of the King to the Rival at the end of the round?
The Hand of the King is not needed in a solo game. Leave it in the box or place it in front of you if you wish. You are always the first player in each round.
Related Rule(s)
Where do I keep the Castles I control in a solo game?
Besides your mat
In a solo game, you keep your Castles next to your mat, while the Rival's Castles are placed on the right of your Gold Track (where you would place yours in a multiplayer game).
If I refuse to take the action on my chosen die, can other players still follow it?
Players may always follow a die, even if the active player chooses not to perform it.
Related Rule(s)
Do I have to take any of the 2 actions on my turn?
All actions are optional. However, you must still place 1 chosen die on the Action Mat, and then all other players may follow the action shown on your chosen die.
Related Rule(s)
Which player drafts the first die at the start of each round?
At the start of each round, starting with the player to the right of the player with the Hand of the King Token, and going in counter-clockwise order, each player selects one of the available dice and places it into their play area for use on their turn.
Related Rule(s)
Do I lose gold, if I gain a castle when I'm at my maximum gold amount?
If gaining a castle means you have too much gold, move your gold coin one space to the left.
Related Rule(s)
Do hero cards count towards the hand size limit of 4 cards?
Related Rule(s)
Can I choose one die to activate on my turn, while changing the face of the other die?
The die you change does not have to be the die you place on the Action Mat.
Related Rule(s)
Can I change a die face more than once per turn?
Related Rule(s)
Do I gain anything if I refuse to follow a die?
Related Rule(s)
When recruiting, can I recruit 1 unit from my own mat and 1 unit from an allied nonplayer house?
Related Rule(s)
What domains are considered to be under my control?
With your units
You control all domains that have at least 1 unit of your own house (either a power token or a hero) and all domains that have at least 1 unit of a nonplayer house you are allied with.
Related Rule(s)
Can I temporarily exceed the domain unit limit of 3 units during an action?
The domain unit limit only takes effect at the end of an action. So you may, for example, exceed it temporarily while marching through a domain.
Can I have units of 2 allied nonplayer houses in the same domain?
You cannot combine allied Power Tokens from different non-player houses in the same domain.
What is the maximum number of units (player's and non-player's) in a single domain?
You may occupy a single domain at the same time with one non-player allied house. So therefore, a domain can have, at most, 6 total units in a single domain.
Are domains, connected only at a corner, considered to be adjacent?
Corner-to-corner domains, such as Ashemark and The Eyrie, are not adjacent.
Related Rule(s)
Can I pick up or drop off any units in a domain I move through when marching?
When marching, you may pick up and/or drop off units from your army (including allied tokens) anywhere along your marching path.
Related Rule(s)
Can I move through a domain with an unallied house's or another player's units?
You cannot move through domains with another player’s Power Tokens or an unallied house’s Power Tokens (unless a power lets you do so). Marching into a hostile domain immediately results in a battle.
Related Rule(s)
Can I move through King's Landing if there are no units there and I don't have 3 castles?
You may move through King’s Landing if it is not currently occupied by another player or unallied house, even if you don't have 3 castles. But you cannot end your movement there if you don't have the 3 castles yet.
Related Rule(s)
Can I sail to another domain on the same map card where I have started sailing from?
You cannot sail to a domain on your current Map Card, you must choose a domain on another Map Card, up to 2 seas away.
Related Rule(s)
Can I sail between the 2 northern Map Cards?
You cannot sail “north” above the NW and NE Map Cards to travel to the opposite side, because these cards are not connected via a waterway. That is, you cannot sail North of the Wall.
Related Rule(s)
Can I sail into a sea and leave my units there?
You must always end your sail in a domain; a sea cannot be occupied by any units.
Related Rule(s)
Can I discard Hero Cards from my hand when performing the whisper action?
Related Rule(s)
If I play a Plot Card with 2 shields for a plotting action, can I use only 1 of the shown shields?
Related Rule(s)
If I steal a Power Token from another player with a plotting action, do I pay 3 gold to this player or to the bank?
To the bank
Related Rule(s)
What happens if when plotting, I cannot take a non-player Power Token from a House Mat because there are no Power Tokens on this mat?
Return other's token
If there are no Power Tokens in the house's pool, then choose a player with one of the tokens in their Ally Pool and return it to its house’s pool.
Related Rule(s)
If an event instructs to eliminate a unit from the map, do I return the unit to its mat or remove from the game?
Return to its mat
Related Rule(s)
Do I need to pay any gold for a Plot Card in a battle as the attacker?
Related Rule(s)
Does a non-player house draw a Plot Card when battling?
If battling a non-player house that is not in an alliance, then draw and reveal the top Plot Card from the deck for its battle icon (it does not need to pay gold).
Related Rule(s)
Who wins a battle when there is a tie for military strength?
Related Rule(s)
If a non-player house defends in a domain with a Castle or the Iron Throne, does this house gain extra strength?
Only players can control Castles or the Iron Throne, therefore only players gain extra strength from them when defending.
Related Rule(s)
If I lose a Power Token in a battle against another player, where do I place it to?
Winner's ally pool
If the losing side in a battle is a player, they must lose either a Power Token or a Hero from that domain. If they had allied Power Tokens in the domain, they must lose 1 of those tokens and it goes to the winning player’s Ally Pool.
Related Rule(s)
If I lose a Power Token in a battle against a non-player house, where do I place it to?
To its mat
If you lose a battle against a non-player house, you must return 1 unit from the battle domain back to its mat. You must prioritize returning an allied unit to its House Mat. If you cannot, you must return any 1 of your own units from the domain to your House Mat (gaining any rewards you cover).
Related Rule(s)
Can I gain control of a Castle domain or King's Landing when retreating?
You can only retreat into King’s Landing or a Castle domain if you control it and no other option are as near.
Related Rule(s)
If I need to move through an enemy domain when retreating, do I start another battle?
You may move any number of domains, and through enemy domains (this does not start a battle), to reach the nearest nearest friendly domain.
Related Rule(s)
If a defeated non-player house retreats from a battle, who decides to which equidistant domain the non-player house retreats?
The winning player
Related Rule(s)
If both players play a Retreat card in a battle, do both of them have to move out of the battle domain?
If both battling players play a Retreat card, then both of them need to retreat to the nearest friendly domain. Defender must retreat first, then the attacker retreats.
Related Rule(s)
If my opponent plays a Retreat card in a battle, do I still gain 1 victory point for winning the battle?
Related Rule(s)
If I control King's Landing but no longer have 3 Castles, can I retain control of King's Landing?
If you no longer control 3 Castles then you must immediately retreat from King's Landing (see Retreating). Then return the Iron Throne to its spot on King’s Landing.
Do I gain anything when a Power Token of a house I'm allied to is returned to its mat?
If my Hero is eliminated from the map, can I still use its Hero Card?
If you lose a Hero, you lose its Hero Card as well until you have recruited it again
Related Rule(s)
Who gains an alliance in case of a tie?
1st in player order
If there is a tie for an alliance and no player already has this alliance, the player who comes first in player order gains the alliance. If any player already has this alliance, they retain this alliance.
Related Rule(s)
If I form an alliance with a house and units of this house are in a Castle domain, do I immediately gain control of this castle?
Related Rule(s)
Can I refuse to take a Castle when I gain control of a Castle domain?
No, you must take it
Related Rule(s)
Can I lose an alliance in the middle of the round?
Alliances cannot be lost during the round, unless due to an event. If you lose an Ally Token from your Ally Pool, and that brings you below 2 tokens for that ally, retain that alliance until alliances are checked at the end of the round.
Related Rule(s)
If after culling Power Tokens, I have the most Power Tokens of an unallied house, do I immediately gain this alliance?
If a player controls King’s Landing and now has more Power Tokens for a house they are not allied with, that will be resolved when Checking Alliances at the end of the next round.
Related Rule(s)
If I have no Castles, do I still score points for Castles during the Scoring Phase?
If you have no Castles, it means that you have the least Castles among all players, and score points for the last place (or higher if any players are tied for a higher place).
Related Rule(s)
Do I need to have recruited ALL Power Tokens directly above an objective on the Force Track to be able to score this objective?
Related Rule(s)
Who gains the Vengeance Token if multiple players are tied for the last place on the score track?
No one
If players are tied for the fewest points, the token for that phase is not given to a player and is instead removed from the game.
Related Rule(s)
Can the same player gain both of the Vengeance tokens?
It is possible to get both tokens and this means you get 2 Victory Points for starting a battle.
Related Rule(s)
Do I gain 1 victory point for initiating a battle for holding the Vengeance Token, if my opponent retreats from the battle?
The player holding a Vengeance token gains 1 Victory Point any time they start a battle (even if the battle is halted by a Retreat or other effect).
Related Rule(s)
Does the Rival follow the action shown on my chosen die?
The Rival never follows your actions.
Related Rule(s)
Can I follow the action shown on the Rival's die?
You may follow the Rival's die (but you cannot follow its card action).
Related Rule(s)