The game is played over a series of six rounds (noted on the Round Track), intermixed with three scoring phases (marked with ):
1. Rounds 1-3 are played
2. Initial Scoring Phase
3. Rounds 4-5 are played
4. Intermediate Scoring Phase
5. Round 6 is played
6. Final Scoring Phase
Each round, each player takes a turn as the active player (the first player is marked with the Hand of the King), leading play while everyone else chooses whether to follow the active player’s action.
After all players have taken a turn, the round ends. Players then check for alliances, collect taxes, and the Hand of the King passes clockwise. After playing rounds 3, 5, and 6, a scoring phase takes place, where players earn victory points based on how much of Westeros they control, plus additional bonuses based on scoring objectives of their house. After scoring the sixth and final round, the player with the most victory points is crowned the Lord of the Seven Kingdoms.