If you have two Action Dice, you are considered the “active player” and perform the following steps:
1. Choose one of the two dice to place on the Action Mat, placing it in one of the open Action Slots on the right side of the mat. The first player of each round has all 6 Action Slots to choose from. The icon in the slot you select determines an Optional Action that only you may perform first, before performing the die’s action (see Optional Actions).
2. You then may perform the action shown on the die (see Performing Actions).
3. Going in order around the table clockwise, all other players may “follow” your die’s action, performing it as well (see Following Actions). Players may always follow a die, even if the active player chooses not to perform it.
4. Once all players have decided whether or not to follow the active player’s action, pass the unused die to the player clockwise of you, making sure not to change its rolled die face. With 2 dice, that player is now the active player and takes a turn.