You may move an army a large distance by sea around Westeros, from one domain to a domain on another Map Card up to two seas away. All domains have a coast, so you can launch or end a Sail action at any domain. The seas of Westeros are the deep blue waterways on the outer edges of each Map Card. Westeros is divided into six seas marked by the compass icon in their top corners.
When sailing units:
• You may move to any land domain up to two Map Cards away from your current card, moving either clockwise or counterclockwise around Westeros. For instance, you could sail from Winterfell 2 Map Cards counter-clockwise to Old Town.
• You cannot sail to a domain on your current Map Card. For instance, you cannot sail from The Reach to Sunspear. You cannot sail “north” above the NW and NE Map Cards to travel to the opposite side.
That is, you cannot sail North of the Wall.
• You may end your Sail at a domain you control (either with your Power Tokens or an ally’s). However, sailing into a hostile domain immediately results in a battle (see Battling).
• If you end your sail in an unoccupied Castle Domain, you take control and add the Castle to the rightmost open space on your Gold Track (see Castles).
• You cannot end your sail in King’s Landing unless you currently control 3 Castles (see Sitting on the Iron Throne).
• You must always end your sail in a domain; a sea cannot be occupied by any units and the final result cannot exceed the Domain Unit Limit.