Tiny Epic Game of Thrones

Heroes and Houses


Each house, except for House Arryn, has a Hero which consists of two components:

1. A figure that acts as a powerful unit while on the Map, offering in battle.

2. A card in your hand that can be played for plotting, a powerful event, or as strength to be secretly played in a battle. Once played for any of those purposes, the card remains face-up in your play area (it is not removed from the game when played as an event). Hero Cards are returned to your hand after the end of each round. A Hero must be on the Map in order for you to have its Hero Card in your hand.

If you lose a Hero, you lose its Hero Card as well until you have recruited it again (see Action: Recruit). Having an alliance also grants you an Alliance Ability that can be used on your turn (see each House Mat’s non-player side).