Tiny Epic Game of Thrones

Battling the Night King


Defeating the Night King in battle is the only way for players to win the game. You can be attacked by him (you are the defender), and the only time you can battle the Night King (either as the attacker or the defender) is if the Treaty’s score on the Score Mat is equal to or greater than that of the Night King’s (that is, you are beating or are tied with him). If he attacks a domain you control, and the Treaty’s score is less than the Night King’s, you must lose a unit and retreat (see The Night King Attacks). The Night King’s total strength comes from 5 sources:

1. A base of .

2. Conscripts (): He gains the total from each White Walker in his current domain and adjacent domains.

3. A Secret card () drawn from the deck (a counts as a since he does not retreat).

4. Bonuses listed on the Strength Track on his mat that are not covered by Dragon Glass tokens.

5. from the Ice Dragon if it is in his domain.

Note: He DOES NOT gain strength from castles or The Iron Throne in his domain.