The side with the higher total wins the battle. If there is a tie, the defender wins.
• The player who wins the battle is awarded 1 Victory Point (), moving their token forward 1 space on the Score Track. They also remain in the domain and do not lose any units.
• The losing side must immediately lose 1 unit from that domain.
If the losing side is a player: They must lose either a Power Token or a Hero from that domain. If they had allied Power Tokens in the domain, they must lose 1 of those tokens and it goes to the winning player’s Ally Pool. If they did not have allied Power Tokens in that domain, then they can choose to lose one of their own Power Tokens or a Hero, and they gain any benefit listed for returning the unit to its spot on their House Mat (see Returning Power Tokens or Heroes).
If the losing side is a non-player house: The winner takes 1 Power Token of the non-player house from the domain and places it in their Ally Pool.
Then all of the remaining losing units from the battle must Retreat (see Retreating).