
In each round, players take turns in clockwise order performing actions based on dice, locking each of them onto the Action Mat. At the beginning of each playing round, the player with the Hand of the King Token will roll all 5 dice. Then, starting with the player to the right of the player with the Hand of the King Token, and going in counter-clockwise order, each player selects one of the available dice and places it into their play area for use on their turn. The player with the Hand of the King Token receives the remaining two dice and begins the round.

For a 3-player game: The player to the right of the player with the Hand of the King Token (first) selects a die to place into the left slot at the bottom of the Action Mat, then (second) selects a die to place in their play area. Then, the die selection process continues as normal.

For a 2-player game: The player without the Hand of the King Token (first) selects a die to place into the left slot at the bottom of the Action Mat, then (second) selects a die to place in their play area. Then, the player with the Hand of the King Token (third) selects a die to place into the right slot at the bottom of the Action Mat, then, begins the round.